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???'s POV: "grahhhhhhhhh!!!" I snarled slicing a tree trunk in two the creature I had been chasing having been knocked down with a squeak. My arm topped with a dragons maw snapped around the creature and lifted them up.

"Now! I'm gonna ask you again! Where is the creator!" I yelled lifting them to meet my gaze. The small luck dragon I had, trapped in my claws, was writhing around trying to get out. "Of course unless you don't want me  to go find your little King friend and... bring him back." I said smirking with a maniacal laugh.

Their face turned ghostly white. "I swear I don't know! We got separated when the barrier broke!" The words barrier intrigued me.

"What is this barrier you speak of?" I asked. "And if you don't answer me I will not hesitate to send you hell where you belong!"

"I swear, it's all I know. The barrier, it keeps the monsters of the wards from escaping but. Suddenly there was a blinding flash and the next thing I know I was here!" They cried tears in their eyes as I squeezed them tighter.

"You are gonna take me there and if you don't I will not hesitate to destroy you piece by piece till your nothing but a soulless husk and then I'll have that lead me there!" I smirked as their eyes got even wider. "Did I make myself clear?"

The Luck dragon nodded swiftly jangling the chimes on her tail to open a portal to the other world. After that I threw her down and watched in satisfaction as she limped holding the bleeding wound with her paw as she went through letting me follow.

The broken shackles that were around my legs wings and three heads jangled as I ran in pursuit. When I came through I noticed the realm was empty and the luck dragon giving me a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, looks like they left after all." But they were interrupted when a blinding flash of rainbow light let out a giant shockwave. I smiled in a devilish way.

"You were saying..." I inquired smirking as the tiny creature went even more pale than I thought could be possible.

Universes calling (a former FNF MHA crossover. This book is now mine.)Where stories live. Discover now