Chapter 27

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Izuku's pov

Here I am, sitting in our classroom contemplating committing suicide because Albedo somehow got her period. Don't ask me how, she hasn't gotten one since we started dating, I thought because we're basically dead that she wouldn't ever get one. But no some sick fuck decided to give me hell on earth. I hope whoever did that steps on a lego,


In Hell

Satan was just walking around torturing the damned souls when he steps on a lego,

Satan: "FUCK"



At least it's not as bad as I thought it was, she's just not coming to school. We just can't have sex, and I have to buy her chocolates every five seconds. Well, luckily I'm going on a secret mission with Aizawa and All Might tonight. Apparently, they found the secret base of the League of Villains, and since I can beat the asses of all the teachers they asked me to come along,

Ochako: "Hey Scarlet, why do you look so glum today?"

"Albedo got her period today, and it's not fun to deal with" I grumble,

Mina: "Oh damn, I'm sorry, I know how us girls can be when it's that time of the month"

"I guess it's whatever. Her and Eri are going to be having a girl's night tonight so I have the night to myself, or I would've if I didn't have work"

Kirishima: "Well I hope you have fun bro, I hope work goes well for you"

Soon after that class got started and we had another uneventful day at school.

'I swear this is boring as shit, why did I want to become a hero? Oh right Albedo and I had nothing better to do' I think to myself, 'Hopefully this mission is somewhat interesting'

The rest of the school day goes by and without a warning the mission is beginning. I walk into UA's meeting room with All Might and Aizawa behind me. You might wonder why I'm not staring daggers into the big guy, or putting actual daggers in him. Well, it's because after the finals, we kinda made up? I don't know, all I know is that I don't hate him anymore, he was trying to protect me I guess. He was still kinda harsh though, but it's whatever now,

???: "So this is the famous Scarlet King?"

I turn towards the voice and see the No.10 hero Gang Orca,

"Yup that's me, usually I'm with my girlfriend and hero duo partner Scarlet Queen but she has, business" I shudder as I say the last word,

???: "He doesn't look like much" said the hero I despised the most,

"You know Endevawhore, I crushed All Might by myself, what makes you think you could beat me, no offense All Might" I said back, making sure to put as much venom as I could on his new nickname,

Gang Orca: "HAHA, you know he's right about beating All Might. That's why I agreed for him to join us"

All Endeavor responded with was a grunt,

Nezu: "Okay calm down everyone, now let me officially introduce the student joining us for the mission, Scarlet King is by far the most powerful student I've seen, even rivaling the entirety of the Big 3, so treat him with respect. Now let's go over the plan"

After an hour of going over the plan, we were all set to go. It was pretty simple, there were two buildings that the League had, a bar which was apparently the main base of the League, and a warehouse that held Nomu projects. Me, Gran Torino, Eraserhead, and Kamui Woods would crash into the bar and capture the League, while All Might, Best Jeanist, and Gang Orca would raid the warehouse and take the Nomu's in, with Endeavor standing outside to assist if needed. A very simple and easy plan right? Yes, but some things aren't meant to be simple and easy. Capturing the league wasn't that hard, it went without a hitch except for that mist guy escaping. Capturing the Nomu's also wasn't that hard, until they were all teleported out of their tubes and caused havoc across the city. It also didn't help when some big baddie with a mask on came out and killed Best Jeanist,

???: "You really thought it would be that easy to destroy the league?" he said as he fired a large air cannon at a couple of other heroes, "the capture of the others won't be for long once I'm done killing you all"

All Might: "ALL FOR ONE" he said as he came out of nowhere and attempted to punch the masked guy,

All For One: "Took you long enough All Might, you really have gotten weaker" he said as he caught the punch, "find a successor yet?"


All Might then got punched in his weak spot instantly making him transform back into his small form,

All For One: "I don't even want to bother to play with you, I'll finish you off right now, SAY GOODBYE SYMBOL OF PEACE"

He started to power up all of the quirks he had into one big nasty looking arm and launched it towards All Might. As the fist seamlessly hit his target and created a dust cloud. Everyone cried out in fear for the death of their Symbol of Peace,

Citizens: "NOOOO"

All For One: "Now do you see that it doesn't matter who comes at me, I'll kill you all like I did this idiot, BOW BEFORE M-" he stopped his sentence suddenly with his nonexistent eyes wide, "wha-what?"

He was then punched hard in the face by a random fist,

"You know I didn't really like this big buffoon a few days ago, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna let you kill him" I said with a smirk,

All For One: "And who are you?"

"I've had many names, Izuku Midoryiya, Deku, Failure, Worthless. But now, I'm Izuku Scarlet,the Scarlet King"

All For One: "Oh yes, I remember Shigaraki having some trouble with you. How's Albedo doing?"

I froze as he asked me that,

All For One: "You know it was fun to hear her screams, her begging for us to stop, and eventually begging to die" he lets off a dark smile, "she got what she wished for, but she came back, I wonder why she would want to suffer the same fate"

"Shut. Up."

All For One: "And once we kill her again, we'll torture and kill those two kids that I see in your memories" he says laughing thinking he's won,

"Shut. UPPPPPP" I scream as the anger consumes me and I transform into my third form,

All For One just stares in horror,

"Today was a beautiful day, flowers were blooming, birds were chirping, but people like you" my eyes turn in raging infernos, "SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL"

Faster than any speed quirk user could see I ran up to the bastard and punched him in solar plexus destroying any air that was in his lungs at the same time, and then I kicked his left leg shattering all the bones,

"HOW'S THAT YOU FREAK" I say with the biggest grin you could ever see,

All For One: "Y-you mo-monster" he says in between breaths and coughing fits,

"One monster to another" I bend down to his ear, "NEVER INSULT MY FAMILY"

I then punt him into the air and turn towards the small All Might,

"Permission to cremate?"

All Might gives me a smile, not like his usual beaming happy smile, no this one was a vengeful smile,

All Might: "Permission granted"

I raise my head up to where the idiot was flying up from my kick and raise my hands up too,


A fire that could rival the heat of the sun starts swarming around me,


All the fire around me blasts into the air towards All For One and all that is heard is the roar of flames and the intense screaming of one quirk stealing bastard,

After I'm sure there's not a single speck of him left I stop the flames and walk towards All Might,

All Might: "That was awesome Young Scarlet"

"Eh just call me Izuku. Come on let's get you outta here, maybe get something to eat on the way"

All Might: "Alright Young Izuku, lets go, my treat for getting rid of the biggest thorn in my side"

All I do is laugh as me and All Might walk away towards the sunrise.


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