Mandalay: "Great, I'll have you break the news to him, just let us all say goodbye to him before he leaves okay?" she says with tears threatening to come out,

I walk towards her and envelop her in a hug,

"Don't worry, I'll give him a good life, you did your best"

All she does is nod and hugs me back. After a couple minutes we let each other go and start walking back towards camp,

"Hey Mandalay, quick question. Who was the person that killed his parents?"

Mandalay: "It was a villain called Muscular"

"Good to know, hey I'm gonna go for a little walk. If Albedo asks for me tell her I'll be back in an hour or so"

Mandalay: "Okay, see you later"

I just nod and start walking deeper into the forest, once I get out of sight I activate my second form and blast off into the sky and head toward the city, let's just say Muscular isn't going to be able to bother anyone else,


Back to present

Izuku's pov

"So yeah that's the story" I finished leaving out the Muscular part,

Mina: "Aww poor kid, I'm glad that he is going to have a chance at a better life now"

"Yeah me too" I say as I ruffled Kota's hair,

Kirishima: "Time for the hot spring!" he announced as he ripped his shirt and pants off revealing swimming trunks,

Kaminari: "Yeah let's go!"

As we all head towards the springs and enter in we all start enjoying the warmth of it. Of course  me and Albedo, both in our respective areas, are reminiscing about the fun they had by ourselves earlier,

Kirishima: "Man isn't this manly"

Mineta: "Almost as manly as what's over this wall" he says as he starts to climb the wall, before feeling a killer intent that can rival death itself,

"I dare you to climb even one inch more, Grapist" I say that last part with as much venom as I can muster,

All he does is whimper and climbs back down to hang his head in shame in the water,

"Good boy" I say calming down,

Girls: "Thanks Scarlet!" all the girls exclaimed from the other side,

After a while everyone got out of the springs and decided to hit the hay for the night. But the next morning they would wish they would've never woken up,

Aizawa: "Time for your hell of a training!"

Everybody groaned by eventually started their hellish training, except for me and Albedo, who really couldn't work ourselves to the bone, because we heal faster than anything. The week went off without a hitch, but everyone had this weird feeling like something was supposed to happen, but never did. The only semi-important thing that happened was that we all found out that Bakugo could cook,

Aizawa: "Well everyone good job during the camp, you all exceeded my expectations, now get on the bus so we can go back, and Scarlet we have an extra spot on the bus next to you for Kota"

"Great thanks, come on Kota lets go" I say as a grab Kota's hand,

Kota: "Okay dad" he said a bit shyly,

Girls: "Awwww"

Albedo: "Why does he get to be called his title first?" she said with a pout,

Kota: "I'm sorry mom" he said even shyer,

Girls: "AWWW"

Albedo: "All's forgiven" she said with a blush,

After a long bus ride back to UA with both my girlfriend and new son sleeping on me, we can finally go home and introduce Kota to Eri,

Albedo: "Okay there's no reason to be nervous around Eri, she's a cutie like you and you two should get along together fine"

All Kota does is nod and held both mine and Albedo's hands. As we walk in Eri sees us, and then see's Kota. At first I thought she was going to freak out and cry about being replaced or something but she surprised all of us,

Eri: "Is that my new brother?"

"Yeah, this is Kota, we're adopting him into our family"

Eri: "YAY!!! A BROTHER!"

Kota: "H-hi"

After a bit of awkward introductions and a couple orders of take out food, we all sit down to watch a few episodes of FMA. Kota apparently really enjoyed it, especially since they didn't have a tv in the mountains. We all talked about life and what we we're gonna do in the future, we all agreed another trip to the mall was in order to get Kota some new clothes and Eri some new toys due to my personal reasons. Eventually Albedo took Eri to bed, and I was taking Kota to his new bed,

"I hope you have a good night Kota"

Without warning, he grabbed the bottom of my shirt,

Kota: "Thank you for taking me in dad"

I smile a bit embracing him in a hug,

"I'm glad that you're part our family now"

Kota: "Love you dad" he said with a small smile,

"Love you too, Kota"


(Looks like he kill you/is a cinnamon roll, Kota)

(Looks like he kill you/is a cinnamon roll, Kota)

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