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Jeez this was a long chapter to write
Took 4 days

Your POV

I ran across my room to answer my ringing phone before dad heard, "Hello?" I kept my voice low. "Hey, bad time?" Royal asked, I smiled "Not really, I'm getting ready to go with my dad to an opera". I looked through my closet, "oh cool, you sound like you go to those often". I giggled "Too often", I picked out a nice dress I had gotten at the mall.

"So your dad is really into opera huh?", for a second i had forgotten I was on the phone with Royal

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"So your dad is really into opera huh?", for a second i had forgotten I was on the phone with Royal. "Yeah, sometimes there are tears in his eyes" I laughed and he laughed along with me. I heard dad's footsteps walking upstairs, "I have to go, text you later". We said bye and I quickly hid my phone in my purse, dad opened the door and looked around. "Thought I heard something" he mumbled, he looked at me and gasped slightly. "My heart, you look exquisite", I smiled and motioned a thank you. He pushed back his sleeve to check his watch, "we better go now if we don't want to be late". I rolled my eyes as he opened the door for me, "please, when have we ever been late". He chuckled and we left the house. Don't get me wrong, I love music of all kinds but this opera was 2hrs long and was a one woman act. I looked over the see dad closing his eyes to really take in the music, I happen to look past him and saw none other than his annoying patient Franklin. No way I thought to myself, besides him was a youngish, tall black man. His suit was similar to my dad's, unlike Franklin he was actually paying attention to the show. After the woman finished her song, my dad was the first to stand up causing a much deserved standing ovation. I handed him a tissue to wipe the tears from his eyes, he smiled indicating a thank you. I held onto his arm as we tried to weave our way out. Once in the parlor dad got a glass of champagne and talked with some old friends, one of the few who I like was Mrs.Komeda. She was wearing a lovely red dress and black gloves. She started a conversation with my dad, "It's been too long since you properly cooked for us" she put her hands on her hips. Dad smiled "come over and I will cook for you", I looked around and spotted Franklin trying to find us. Mrs.Komeda pursed her lips "I said properly which means dinner and a show", she then turned to the others "Have you seen him cook it's an entire performance". Dad drank a little of his champagne as she continued "he used to throw such exquisite dinner parties. You heard me used to". Dad smiled at me "and I will soon, as soon as inspiration strikes", she looked over to me. "Is your beautiful daughter not inspiring you enough?'', I smiled and looked at my dad. He scoffed and put a piece of my hair behind my ear. "My daughter is an angel sent by God himself, she is my inspiration for everything I do. Including my cooking", "How kind, though I agree, dad. You must host a party soon". "You cannot force a dinner party, a party must present itself" he said, Mrs.Komeda shook her head "It's party not a unicorn Hannibal", I laughed. "Have one tomorrow..please" I gave him puppy eyes, he sighed and caressed my cheek "anything for you". I smiled at Mrs.Komeda, "you have quite the effect on him" she winked. I laughed, "I believe this young man is trying to get your attention" she looked to the side. We followed her gaze and saw Franklin with that man he was sitting next to. "Hello" Dad shook his hand. "Hi. It's so good to see you. This is my friend Tobias" Franklin smiled, Dad stuck out his hand "Good evening". Mrs. Komeda spoke up "How do you two know each other?", Franklin looked at my dad as if trying to see where their relationship stands. "There should remain some mystery to my life outside of the opera" dad answered, Mrs.Komeda looked over and smiled teasingly(no not that kind of tease) at Franklin. I noticed Tobias kept staring at dad the entire time, "I'm one of his patients". These words made my dads body tense a little, I rubbed his hand to calm him. Dad moved his attention to Tobias " Did you enjoy the performance?", "I did. I loved it. Every minute." Franklin answered instead. Tobias smirked "His eyes kept wondering. More interested in you than what was happening on stage". I laughed a little "Father, tends to have that affect on people", Franklin looked over at me as if he just notice I was there. "Who's this?" He asked, "My daughter y/n, she's also my assistant" Father smiled as kindly as he could. Franklin extended his hand "I haven't seen you around before", I shook it "Yes, I usually run upstairs when I see you". His face contorted "Sorry what?", "I said Yes I'm usually upstairs when he sees you". Dad shook their hands again "Franklin, good to see you. Tobias", they left leaving a slightly awkward silence. Dad seemed to snap out of whatever state he was in and looked around at his friends. "Who's hungry", they all laughed. It was pretty late by the time we left, I fell asleep in the car. I woke up in my bed, dad was passed out next to me still in his dress shirt. I smiled and checked my phone. It was 2am, Royal had text around 11 asking how was the performance. I'll call him tomorrow, I laid back down and pulled the covers over me.

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