Chapter Ten: Awkward Moments

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Tris' POV

I wait at the door, catching my breath, my lungs feel like they are burning. I shouldn't have run being as I was just released from hospital. I feel two arms slide round my waist. It's Tobias.

He unlocks the door and pushes me in playfully. I walk over to the kitchen, to cut up the pineapple. Tobias is right behind me. I get the pineapple and he gets the knife. I rest an elbow on the counter and watch him cut up the fruit. I grab a strawberry from the fruit bowl, I take a bite and offer some to him, he opens his mouth so I take off the stalk and put it all in his mouth.

"Is Zeke and Shauna here still?" I say eating another strawberry.

"I don't know but they are staying until we leave on our mission in two days." He replies as he passes me a piece of pineapple. I take it and take a bite. As I watch Tobias eat a piece, he gets the juices all over his face. I chuckle to myself until I hear loud banging sounds. I look over at Tobias, he heard it as well.

We both put down put pineapple and start towards the sounds. They are coming from the guest bedroom. I stop and look at Tobias

"I guess Shauna and Zeke are here, in there... doing things" I say trying to break the awkwardness. We both burst into laughter.

We walk over to the couch with our bowl of pineapple and strawberries. We have to stay here as there is no where else to go on Sundays because everywhere is shut. Tobias puts his arm round me to pull me close. I rest my head on his chest and slide the hem of his t-shirt between my fingers.

About half an hour later Zeke and Shauna emerge from the spare bedroom and are startled to see us. I know that Tobias bears the same serious expression as we stare Zeke and Shauna down.

"Oh.... this is awkward we didn't think you would be back until later" Shauna laughs.

"Oh come on Four don't be so angry , it's in our human nature and we all have the urges to do stuff however I'm not sure if thats the same with you guys but you should really try it sometime" Zeke says winking at Tobias.

Tobias scowls at Zeke but lets out a small sigh which he didn't mean me to hear.

"Well me and Zeke have errands to do, envolving work and our apartment and we are going out for dinner so we will be back pretty late, so bye" Shauna says smirking and pulling Zeke towards the door. The door shuts behind them.

Tobias and I are on our own in the first time in ages.

"Hey we finally have some time alone without our friends" He smirks at me.

"I know, but I haven't washed in ages so I am going to have a shower" I say pushing his face into the couch. He laughs. I stand up and walk towards the bathroom.

I see Tobias run past and pull his t-shirt over his head and throw it on the floor before he enters the bathroom.

"I guess you joining me then" I call over to the bathroom. I don't get an answer but the sound of the water hitting the tray. He starts to sing as I walk in the door. The door to the shower is already steamed up and I can see the outline of his body moving around. He wipes his hand in a circular making a window, he smirks and waggles his finger gesturing me to get in the shower with him.

I peel my dirty clothes from me and throw them in the basket. I open the door and hop in.

"You haven't washed in a while have you, you still have dried blood, like all over your back" Tobias says while rubbing his hands down my back. The water goes pink and I watch it swirl down the drain until it goes clear. I hear Tobias humming as I let the water slide over my body. I wash my hair and condition it. When I finally get out I realise I didn't notice Tobias get out. I look for a towel but there isn't one on the rail. Great! The water is dripping from me and the air is making it cold against my skin. I stand on the bath mat shivering with my hands over my modesty.

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