"Come Rina do not cry, I know this is a lie, do not mind them, we can take out the posters......"

"You won't be able to" Flora was cut off by Rhona who came in with her girls.

"I mean her identity is already exposed what more do you wanna do?" Flora glared at Rhona angrily.

"You did this didn't you?" Flora asked

"I cannot believe you, you are starting to blame me now, your disgusting friend have been sleeping with guys lately and you didn't know about that or what? now look! Look at it here..." Rhona collected one of the posters and showed it clearly to Flora's face.

"She's been completely exposed......"

"Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up!!" Rina screamed

She turned and quickly walked to the wall and began tearing off the posters from the walls, she tore them angrily one after the other, Flora looked at Rhona and went to help her.

Rhona laughed at them, they were really funny, for them to think they could tear off over 100 pieces of the posters just before class.

"Come on Rina just give up, you wouldn't be able to tear them off not until the principal sees this, or maybe any teacher" Rhona tilted her head and watched them in fun.

Rina halted and looked at the remaining ones posted on the walls even on the doors, she had torn ten already and Flora six, Rhona was right, if the principal sees this then she will be ruined.
She began tearing them faster making Rhona and lily laugh more, Hilda on the other side didn't find this funny at all.

Karl and Gg walked from the garage and was going to the school building, Karl wore his headphones listening to loud music while Gg on his phone.

Rhona sighted Karl and Gg from far and called his name out.

"Karl!" She ran to him and hugged him.

"Hey" he said when she let go.

"How are you doing?"

"Am cool, what's going on" Karl looked and saw few people gathered around.

"Nothing much" Rhona smiled and put her head on his shoulders as they walked.

Gg went to the crowd and found Flora and Rina tearing off posters. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey are they having a competition?" He asked a guy who held the poster.

"Pfft no, that girl over there have been exposed"

"Wait you mean Rina?"

"Whoever she is" he said

Gg looked at his hand and saw him hold a poster.

"Emm can I see that for a sec?"

The guy gave him the poster and Gg's eyes almost went out of its socket.

"W-wait, what's up? Is this Rina"

"Who does it looks like, it's that girl over there, can't you see she and her friend are trying to tear the posters off"

Gg looked at Rina and Flora now he understood what was happening.
He went to Karl immediately.

"Dude What is going on?"

"It's Rina"

"Rina?..." Karl looked at Gg then collected the poster from his hands.

He stood there in shock looking at the photo, Rina was in bed with someone he couldn't even recognize.

"What's this?" Karl asked.

"I don't know"

Karl immediately pushed through the crowd and met Rina and Flora tearing the posters, some people were videoing, he immediately ran to her and dragged her out to the bathroom.

"Leave me hand! I have to take them off!" Rina was crying, she didn't want the principal to see the poster.

"You think you can take them off just like this?"

Rina didn't say a word all she thought was how to make those pictures disappear.

"I don't care" she said

"you don't care? Then what about me? Don't I care?!.... what is that picture? When was that?"

Rina stared at him in shock.

"K-Karl do you really believe that?"

"I am trying hard not to believe but I can't, that's you in the picture it can't be someone else, so why wouldn't I believe?!....."

"Yeah of course that's me but I never did that!.....I will never do that, Rhona did it! She framed me or did something I don't know Karl, she......."

"So you wanna blame Rhona now, Rhona is way out of this Rina"

"No Karl, I know she did this, she...." Rina couldn't speak anymore she just began crying, Karl turned his face away, he didn't want to see her cry.

"I did nothing" she said within her tears.

"Please stop crying....."

"How the hell should I stop crying when all these are happening? I will be expelled from this school when the principal sees this and my mom will totally end my life"

Karl looked at her, it was the first time he saw her cry and he hated it, he brought his hand and cleaned her tears.

"It's okay, I will help you get them off Hm?"

"Karl it will soon be time and the teachers will see it"

"If you're gonna keep crying am gonna walk away and won't help you"

Rina shook her head and cleaned her tears.
"I won't cry again, sorry"

"Promise me when you go out there you wouldn't cry"

Rina nodded her head.

"Okay, come" Karl held her hand and walked with her, they both came out of the bathroom and then Karl began helping her to tear off the posters.

"What's he doing? Why is he helping them?" A guy spoke.

"Karl what's wrong with you, she should be punished" Rhona held his hand stopping him from tearing it.

"Well aren't you gonna help her? Am sure she didn't do this"

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