"Have that bitch Rhona sent you here?"

"Why would you think so?"

"Cause there's no how you would come to me for no reason" Rina quietly said before dropping her cup on the table, then she looked at lily.

"So, why have you come?" Rina asked still staring at lily waiting for an answer.
Lily on the other side, waited for Hilda to play her part, her part was to have a small talk with Rina then Hilda was to come in and cause a distraction that will make Rina look away then lily would drug her drink.

"Why are you quiet? Why have come here?"

"Em I just saw you were alone and thought you needed company"

Rina was about to open her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a girl's scream in the house.

"Aaahhahhaha!!!!!!" Rina immediately looked the other way to see what was going on but saw people gathered, lily looking she had the chance, immediately collected the tablets Rhona gave her and dropped it inside Rina's cocktail, she quietly stirred it so it will dissolve and left immediately.

Rina looked at the crowd that have gathered suddenly began dispersing so she turned back but didn't see lily anymore.

"Where has she gone to?" Rina shaked her head and collected her drink and gulped it all.
"Did you do it?" Hilda asked Lily as they walked to the room.

"Of course, it was so easy and she drank it, so we're done" lily and hold gave each other a high-five.

An hour later, Flora looked around for Rina but didn't see her she went outside but only saw Karl and Davis.

"Karl, have you seen Rina anywhere?"

"Nope, I left her at the bar"

"The bar?" Flora was sure she checked the bar but didn't see her.!

"But she isn't there"

"Then check somewhere else, there are so many people in there, you would've missed her"

"I know I didn't see her"

Karl sat down and continued his drink.

"Karl! We've a situation here, get up!"

"Flora fetch Gg, he will be more helpful" Davis said quietly smoking.

"I can't find him"

"Karl you should help her look for her friend" Davis  said as if he didn't care at all.

"Why can't I have my drink in peace, Rina is fine"

"Karl, am feeling a little bit uneasy right here, this is our school people, there are disgusting guys out there and....."

"Chill, Rina isn't someone you can play with" Karl have had enough drinks and was lazy to even walk two steps but was after all dragged by flora inside.

"I said Rina will be alright, why do you keep forcing me"

"Shut up and look for your friend, you look there then I will look here, okay? Now go"

Flora left to look for Karl and Karl walked sluggishly bumping people.
Meanwhile, Hilda and lily were all looking for Rina around to take her into the room.

"Where's she? How did she disappear?" Lily got worried.

"Okay okay let's start all over again, Rock, Paper, Scissors" Rina smiled when she saw that she has won with Rock.

"Okay so you have to pay me a hundred box" Rina stretches her hand out to collect the money.

Freddie opened his wallet and handed out the money.

"Okay let's play again!"

"No am tired, you win all the time" Freddie said and left.

"Hm, whatever I have a lot of money now" Rina smiled to herself when she began feeling dizzy, she held the wall for support.

"Oh God I need to head to the restroom, but where can I find the restroom?" She looked but was only seeing in twos and her vision was blur.

"What's happening to me?" she held her head and tried to control her self but couldn't she immediately passed out but was held by Lily and Hilda.

"Quick come on, let's take her" Hilda said and the both of them Quietly carried Rina to the room Rhona waited, they were lucky they found her before anyone did, and there weren't much people there so sneakily they carried her inside the room.

"Have you seen her?" Flora asked Karl.

"Em no, have you?" He was already sober

"If I have, why would I be asking you?!!"

She wondered how Rina managed to stay with this guy, he was a fool!

"You know what? I will go check the rooms upstairs you look at the room downstairs" flora told him and left, she was convinced something must have happened that's why she couldn't see her.

Rhona smiled at the sight of unconscious Rina.

"Oh my, you guys did it!" Rhona was very happy that her plan was finally going to happen.

"Lay her down! Quick" Hilda and lily laid her down and held their waist, she was really heavy.

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