All of the sudden, the silence was torn apart by a shout that came from one of the Academy members. "Y/N! Y/N! Guess what!" a boy shrieked while holding something behind his back.

He closed his book with a sigh, clearly upset at his interruption of his peaceful time in the living room. "What is it, Klaus?" he groaned.

"You got a Valentine!" The dark curls on his head bounced up and down as he jumped around, waving the bright pink card in the air. His words left him bewildered. No one had ever given him anything for Valentine's Day, especially when they acknowledged his hatred towards the holiday. It confused him terribly.

Swiftly, he stood up on his feet and reached over to snatch the card away from Klaus's hand. It was obvious the person had not put forth effort into this card, and created it in a hurry, but he didn't mind. The card had nothing on it but his name in bold letters, and he opened it to see a short note in the middle.

"Y/N, I think you're super cool, and I really like you. I hope you feel the same way one day. Happy Valentine's. - Anonymous"

He tried to find recognition in the handwriting, but was unsuccessful when he read it for the 100th time. A chin was placed on his shoulder as he kept analyzing it, and Klaus taunted, "I know who it is~"

Y/N turned around to face him fully. "Well, who is it?" he snapped.

Only a laugh was returned, but was cut short as he shook him in the shoulders violently. "Okay! Okay! I'll give you a hint, but I promised them that I wouldn't tell you!" he yelled, desperately trying to make him understand.

He shoved Klaus's body backwards, and he stumbled slightly from the force of it. "Hint. Now." He pointed a finger at him.

"Jesus fuck! Okay. Here's the hint: it is one of the academy members, and they've liked you for a very long time. Like, I don't know, oh! Maybe a year?"

A year? Holy hell! Who would even like me? Especially for that long? He even said such.

"I guess they would. But trust me when I tell you this: they like like you." He grinned cockily. Already, he knew it wasn't Klaus, thank god.

"And that helps me in what way?" he asked sarcastically.

"I have no idea." He straightened his posture and ran his hands over his blazer to straighten the wrinkles out. "Now, I need a smoke. Don't get too invested in this secret admirer thing." He wiggled an eyebrow with a smirk as he leisurely made his way out of the room, leaving the teen alone and frowning.


Y/N did exactly the opposite of what Klaus told him to do. He was completely invested in the situation he was in. Don't get him wrong, he didn't mean to. It was his compulsive thinking that led him to keeping it on his mind for hours. It didn't help that he also never felt this way before. Was he excited? Confused? Terrified? Maybe all of the above. But all and all, he would not stop until he got answers. That was just how his mind worked.

So as the day progressed, he thought about each of the academy members individually and the relationships they had. Luther never liked him, as a friend in that sense. He would always ignore him with a scoff or a roll of his eyes, and called him annoying and to go bother someone else. If he was in love with someone, it was probably Sir Reginald, since he was so obsessed in pleasing him with his good deeds. It made him want to vomit.

Now Diego, he was okay to him. They've never really conversed before. Unless it was during training or during meal times, which was ever so rare due to the rule lingering in the air of 'no talking during meals'. It didn't kill him to not talk to him for weeks. And Diego was too busy throwing knives and hanging out with Klaus. So two no's.

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