chapter 5

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Justin (Sunstreaker) POV

It's been a week since Seth's episode. We still haven't left sky's side.

"I still don't understand!" Sides said randomly

"What?" I asked

"Why would he attack her. She's is sister, he's been so protective of her!" He yelled

I sighed and said "he felt like she was going to abandon him. He would have killed her. But once he realized what he did, he would have killed himself. I wasn't his fault he wasn't in his right mind. I'm sure once he's calmed down. Hell apologize and make ever effort to make it up to her."

" And if he doesn't?" Sides asked

"Then we'll be there to protect her!" I say firmly

"Sunny, I don't want to lose her, I really like her." He said

"I know, I do too." I said

"We should tell her that we like her. Maybe she likes us too!" Sides said in excitement

"I don't know.. I mean you seen how Seth reacted when she told him she like someone. Imagine what he'll do when he finds out she got asked out." I say

"Well, well talk to Seth then." He said

"Fine.." I said

With that, we walked out of our room. Taking a quick stop to Skylars room to see if she was still sleeping; she was. We then walked to the med bay.

"Hey ratchet!" My brother greeted the Grumpy old medic

"What sideswipe?" He asked

"Can we talk to Seth?" I asked

"Why?" Ratchet asked suspiciously

"Um..." I trailed off

"We want to ask him if its ok for us to ask Skylar to be our sparkmate." Sides answered

"Fine." The medic said and let us see Seth

We walked into an isolated room.

"Seth?" I asked

He turned his head and had tears in his eyes.

"I didn't mean too.." he said

"I know you didn't." I say

"Is she ok? Does she hate me now? When will I be allowed out of here? Can you tell her I'm sorry?" He asked question after question

"She's fine, she doesn't agree you, I don't know when you'll be let out, and I'll tell her." I say answering his question

"I can't believe I hurt her, all because she likes the two of you." He confessed

"She likes us?" Sides asked excited

"Yeah. I should have been supportive, like she is with me but I got scared she would leave me." Seth said

"She would never leave you, even if we did get together." I say

"Do you guys like her?" He asked

We both nodded

"That's why we came. We wanted your blessing for her to become our sparkmate." I said

"How well do you really know Skyler?" Seth asked

"Well, her favorite color is purple, her favorite animal are wolves, her favorite movie genre is action. Shes scared of the heights and clowns. She still has nightmares and her favorite person is you." I said

"Oh, she also loves to train with will and Seth. Her favorite restaurant is McDonald's. Her favorite autobot is bee. Her birthday is November 13. Her favorite clothes are hoodies and she can't swim." Sides said

"Ok, so you know a lot about her, but why do you want to be with her?" He asked

"She isn't afraid to be herself. She doesn't take anyone's bullshit especially mine. Shes kind to me even when I've snapped or been angry. She extremely patient. She's extremely smart and creative. Honestly there isn't anything that doesn't make me want to be with her." I say

"Yeah, she's all those things. But she's also really proud of how far she's came. She's so loving to everyone." Sides said

"Ok." Seth said

"Ok?" We asked

"You have my blessings to make her your sparkmate." He said

"Thank you!" We said happily

"Promise to take care of her." He said

"We promise." We said in unison

Just then ratchet came in.

"Ok, Seth you are free to go." He said

"Thank you ratchet, and I'm sorry." Seth said

"You weren't in control kiddo, there was nothing you could do." The medic reassured

"Still im sorry." Seth apologized

Ratchet nodded and let us leave.

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