The dark lord attacks!

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           The townspeople were starting to panic, too. "Wait, what's that?" said Largo alarmingly, looking up at the direction the mayor was looking at. "Wait, what?...Oh." said Clara, doing the same. "I don't like the look of this..." muttered Helen, Rascal's mother. "M-Mommy, what's t-that..?" Rascal shivered, moving closer to his mom. The 2 couples I passed earlier were now holding each other, shaking violently. 

            "Mwahh ha ha ha haaaaaa!!!" said the shadow, which appeared to be the Dark lord. "I am the Dark lord, Stan, and I am going to let all of you, to have of taste of... DESPAIR!!!" he said, pointing at everyone. Suddenly, some of the villagers faces flew off. This did not make anyone very happy, not even me, who hasn't very known anyone so well yet. After the tragedy, I went to the worried mother, now looking scared and panicked, she was muttering to herself. "Oh my gosh... Oh my gosh... My poor Rascal's face is gone..." she muttered, looking so terrified and worried that I feared that she might faint! "Oh!" she suddenly said, looking at me. "Adventurer, would you please help me get my child's face back?" she hushed at me, looking worried. "Uh, sure." I said to the mother. "Oh, good." she said, looking slightly relieved. "Oh, and also, take this." she said, handing me something that looked like a necklace with a purple orb. I wore it on my neck and started to find the sassy child's face.

            Not far from the town, I heard the Dark lord's voice again

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            Not far from the town, I heard the Dark lord's voice again. "Mwah ha haaaaaaaa!!" he laughed again, obviously what a bad guy would do most of the time. "Sooo..." he said, looking at me. "What do you want this time?" he said. "Give back Rascal's face!" I jumped at him stupidly, which I obviously know that it wasn't very a smart idea, but I spurted it out anyway. "You mean this piece of garbage?" he said, causing Rascal's terrified face to fly in sight. "Yeah! Now give it back!" I said stupidly again, jumping again and again and again. "Hmmm." muttered Stan. "I suppose you can have it... But you have to EARN IT!!" he exclaimed, causing a yellow slime to appear. Then he disappeared. The last thing you'll expect is Rascal's face is on the yellow slime, and yes, your probably right. "Erm..." I muttered nervously, looking at the slime. The slime launched itself on me, preparing for an attack. Then, the Antique Charm itself was glowing... 

       And I heard a voice coming from it. "Ho ho!" said the voice. I looked around, but there wasn't really anything that caused the voice but the Antique Charm. "I see that your in for quite a trouble, my friend. But I can give you some help, that his!" the voice said again. Suddenly, I became a warrior. I grasped my sword and got ready to defeat this nuisance yellow slime.

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