Chapter 12

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Later that day, the incident in the kitchen was all I could think about. Kylo had told me about an hour ago, that he was taking me to one of his meetings was General Hugs or whatever, and told me to be ready before that.

I was. I had fixed my hair and put on a very pretty, black dress he had brought me earlier from the tailors he told me about, but the scene wouldn't stop playing on repeat as I sat on the bed waiting for him to call me. What I felt-how I felt-it seemed unreal.

A knock at the door told me it was time to go. I quickly grab my matching black shoes and slip them on before opening the door and following him out.

"Why are you taking me? Don't you have Hugs to worry about?" I ask down the hallway.

"I can deal with him just fine. You are the one in need of constant supervision." He replied with the mechanical voice of his helmet.

Just before we rounded a corner, Kylo grabbed my hand, his gloved fingers in between my own. I look at him with a confused expression.

"Keep your eyes forward. I don't need you falling."

I obey, watching the floor most of the way, my eyes glancing towards our interlocked hands every once and a while with a small smile on my face.

We finally made it to the door and a stormtrooper guarding it nodded to Kylo, opening the door and letting us through. I squeeze his hand a little while walking in and looking around the room.

There was a huge, black table in the dead middle of the floor, comfy-looking chairs lining the outside of it. There were already a few men sitting in the seats, all their heads turned towards me.

"The fuck you looking at, wrinkles." I hiss at one, watching in satisfaction as he quickly turned back around, the rest following.

I smirk and look up as Kylo led me to the seat beside the head of the table, sitting me down as he stood behind me.

"Supreme Leader." One spoke up. "Why is there a peasant girl sitting in this room?"

I raise my eyebrows and turn towards the old man, crossing my legs and arms while staring at him.

"I suggest you shut your mouth before I let her have her way with you, Lieutenant." Kylo growls.

I watch as he sits back, nodding. I hum and sit back myself, feeling Kylo's fingers rest on my shoulders.

The main door to the room opens and from what Kylo described, that is not what I thought General Hugs would look like.

"You're General Hugs?" I question.

He stops and looks at me. "Ren, what is that."

"It is 'Supreme Leader' to you, and I'm not obligated to tell you." Kylo hisses at him, his fingers pressing slightly into my shoulder blades.

Hugs hummed and walked closer to the table. "I brought you all here to discuss-"

And that's when I blocked him out. I turned my head as Kylo's hands left my bare shoulders, his body sitting in the chair next to me. His right hand went through the chair arm and rested under my dress silt on my thigh, his covered thumb gently rubbing over my skin.

I hid a smile and leaned my back against the back of my chair, my hand sliding on top of his. His thumb caught mine in what I assumed was agreement with my action, the leather warming my body before I could stop it.

"REN!" Hugs yelled. "Damn you-"

I gasped as he choked, dropping onto the table clawing at his neck. Kylo's left hand was clenched tightly in his lap, his arm shaking from how hard he was holding his fist while the one holding mine didn't even flinch.

"Watch. Your. Tone. General." He said, his voice surprisingly calm.

Kylo released his hand as the General coughed and wheezed, gasping as air filled his lungs. I blink and quickly look down, pulling my hand back into my lap and crossing my legs away from him causing his hand to fall off.

I could feel my eyes start to water from what I just saw, but held them the best I could.

You are not going to cry in front of all these people, you fucking baby.

My hands trembled as I kept my gaze down, Hugs continuing his speech about whatever. The whole time he spoke, I could feel Kylo's eyes on me, staring into the side of my head.

The second the meeting was over, I bolted. I shoved open the doors and sped into the hallway.

"Izzy!" Kylo called after me, rushing down the hall.

I gasp and run faster, quickly punching in the code for his quarters and sprint into the bedroom, locking the door just before he knocked.

"Izzy, open the door."

"Why would I?!" I yell through it. "You almost killed him and for what?! Yelling at you?!"

"You don't understand-"

"I've heard stories about you! Stories about how ruthless you are! I never thought they were true until now." I whimper, my emotions haywire as the sight replayed in my head.

"Please. I'm sorry. Please open the door."

I sniffle. "I can't."

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