Chapter 2

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My breathing stopped. My eyes widened, my throat felt dry. Supreme Leader. He is the Supreme Leader. it can't be true. No...

A stormtrooper stepped up from behind me. "S-Snoke-"

"Is dead." The helmet replied again, still staring down at me. "I killed him."

Silence. The sound of clanking armor and blasters being set on the floor made me shakily breathe out whatever air I had left.


"We bow to you, Supreme Leader."


"We are your soldiers."


"Yes." He hissed, gripping my chin tighter, his visor so close it was the only thing I could see. "I am your Supreme Leader. You will surrender to me...or face the consequences."

My face hardened at his words, sudden confidence flooding my head.

I'd rather die than surrender to you.

"Oh, you'll only wish you were dead. Bring her to my quarters. And keep the restraints."


The 'troopers threw me through the door and watched my body slam against the hard tile...again.

What is it with you people throwing me everywhere?!

They snickered and the door hissed closed in front of them. I groan and manage to roll over onto my back and lean against one of the black walls around me.

God, this guy's emo.

I sigh and knock my head back against the wall, trying to think of something to pass the time. I remembered the last time that I had slept good was most likely a week ago, so I closed my eyes and sighed again, drifting off on the floor.


I woke up from something touching my bare arm. I groan and look to see what the hell was on me when I was a blanket, and a nice one at that. I froze, my eyes darting to take in my surroundings and I realized I wasn't bound anymore. I wanted to run out of wherever I was, but I knew I needed to stay alert no matter what.

It was then I realized more that I was laying on a bed, my head on a soft pillow and the cozy blanket covering my-

Pull your shit together, Izzy!

"So that's your name."

My head snaps to the voice, the helmet staring at me again. I couldn't move. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move. He stepped away from the corner of the room and to where I could see him better, his hands behind his back. "Izzy. Should I be surprised you don't have a last name?"

"The fuck that supposed to mean?"

The words flew out of my mouth before I even knew what happened and I went with it.

"It means," He starts, a tinge of stiffness to his words. "that you have no family. That no one loves you. Not a single soul in the galaxy-"

"Ok, I get it, asshole. What's your point."

He paused. "I see you've already grown confident in yourself."


"You better start watching your mouth or we are going to have some problems."

"Why the fuck would I listen to you?" I scoff.

In a split second, he was the only thing in my field of vision. "Because the consequences"

I don't respond and try to put space between his chest and mine, but he wasn't having it, and started leaning over my body.

"Go away." I mutter.

"You're in my room."

"You're the one who put me here."

He was silent. "You will call me, Supreme Leader, Master, or Daddy."

"'Daddy'? What?" I laugh.

"You heard me."

"Wha-no." I scoff again.

"I wasn't asking."

"Neither was I."

He leant back and stood up straight, his hands still behind his back before he hummed and walked into the, what I assumed, bathroom, coming out a few minutes later with something his hand.

"What'd you do? Fall in?" I mock.

"Watch it."

I roll my eyes and sit against his headboard, my arms crossed and my knees to my chest. He laid whatever he brought out onto the bed and stepped back, like he was giving me space to take it.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"I'm not."

"You haven't killed me. I'd consider that nice."

"I have my priorities."

I glare at him before looking down at the thing, my eyebrows creasing. "The fuck is that."

"It's a collar."

I look up at him in shock and disgust. "I'm not wearing that, you First Order fuck-hole!"

He hummed again. "Put it on."

"Absolutely not, you hunk."

"Didn't you say 'make me' earlier?"

I raise my eyebrows and shake my head, pointing between us. "Nope. It is too early in this relationship."

"Put it on, or I will do it for you."

"What's it even for?"

"To keep you in line."

"Why? I thought you were gonna make me wish I was dead?"

He hummed for a third time. "I changed my mind." I paused for a minute before he sighed. "Question away."

"Why am I not in a cell?"

"Because I don't want you in one."


"Next question."

I huff. "Rude. Anyway, why am I not dead?"

"I already answered that."

"Right. Uh, I'm not calling you any of the names you said earlier."

"That's not a question."

"Ok, and?"

He tilted his head to the side at my last remark. "Excuse me?"

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