Understanding Me(8)

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"Why aren't you eating anything then?" Seere pointed out. Crap!

"Who? Me? I just haven't gotten started yet!" I said as I dug in to the soft syrup coated pancakes on the plate before me. Nice save! Why did he not look convinced? Breakfast was over before we knew it and we were on our way out, Payson in tow. All I could think of was what I'm going to do now. Maybe the best thing to do is just leave in the middle of the night. My chest got tight. Yeah leave in the middle of the night... just like my mother.


Seere's POV

The car ride was quiet for the most part, but it was the silence that screamed louder then any words. Payson had fallen asleep...again.

I don't think Lena noticed the speed gage slowly wind down, or the fact that I took the longest route possible. I know what she's thinking. I've lived for thousands of years, I know how to read people.

She knows what must be done, so she will do it, end of story. Period. The end.

That's just Lena's personality. I haven't known her for very long, but I can tell that she'd do anything for Payson. Something else I learned about her is that for some reason, Lena has a problem with letting herself be happy. Maybe she believe's that if she's happy for even just a second something bad will happen. I want to tell her that everything will be alright, and that I won't let anything bad happen to her. But if there's one thing I know, it's that a broken promise is the worst form of betrayal.


Lena's POV

The car ride was quiet and prolonged. I was starting to get the feeling Seere was taking the long way back to the cave on purpose. Not that I minded. Leaving Seere was going to be the most difficult thing I've had to do since burying my father, and that's pretty hard to top. But I can't be thinking of myself all the time. Payson doesn't remember our mother, and now she's lost our father. She needs a constant in her life, and it looks like she's stuck with me. Being responsible for her life is my job right now, and part of that job requires me getting her to a doctor as soon as possible. The alcove came into view, a sinking feeling in my gut fabricated the effect of small fluttering wings in my stomach. I could sense Seere's muscles tighten beside me. Payson stirred in the backseat before passing out again. We arrived at the alcove, Seere parked the car and took the key from the ignition without saying a word. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes. He knew what was coming.

"We probably shouldn't try to wake Payson... she looks weak." Seere's voice broke the silence.

"Yeah... it's best if we don't..." My voice trailed off.

"...Listen Lena... I know you think your doing the best thing for Payson here, but I can help you... just let me help you, it doesn't need to be this way.." Seere pleaded. I thought my respose through before answering.

"Yes it does Seere, yes it does..." I must be easy to read, am I really that see-through? Without another word, I hopped from the car, slamming the door closed. I made my way over to the alcove to grab the car blankets, we're gonna need them.

Why does it have to be this way? Why does someone always get hurt at my expense? This is why I can't be happy. People get hurt when let my guard down. When I let people in... when I have to let them go. Folding up the blankets, I made my way back to the car. Might as well get this over with now. Turning around, Seere appeared right behind me. Startled, I took a step back, trapped by the cave wall. Seeing my retreat, Seere placed his hands on the wall on either side of my head. I felt safe. Like I wanted to leap into his arms and forget all my troubles. But I can't do that.  I can't surrender to my own selfishness.

"Lena! Listen to me! I want to help you! Just let me help you!" Seere pleaded once more.

"Seere I can't-" I began to say before I was stopped by Seere's lips crashing into mine in a fiery kiss. I kissed back with the same intensity. I'm such a hypocrite. Here I am saying that I can't let myself be happy, and then I go and kiss the Seere, the only guy that makes me happy. What the hell... I'll enjoy it while it lasts! Lost in the fierce kiss, I almost didn't hear the distinct and blood curdling screams of Payson...


*We added some pictures and people to be the characters for the story. Lena is played by Daveigh Chase and her picture is on chapter 2. Then Seere is played by Sean Faris and his picture is on chapter 3. Lastly for Payson we found this little girl that isn't really a actress or anything but she looked exactly like our picture of Payson. Her name is Helena and she was on an ad for a photographer and her picture is on chapter 1.

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