Chapter 5- Level 5

Start from the beginning

As she thought all this, she suddenly felt a sharp pain on her left cheek.

She quickly moved her hand to grabbed the spot where Y/N slapped her.

But even after this, she said nothing.

This was the all Y/N needed to confirm his biggest fears.

Y/N: "Is the debt that big?" 

At the mention of this Lefiya couldn't stand anymore and fell on her knees once again.

She looked upwards, there Y/N was looking down at her.

Lefiya tried to say something but only mumbling was heard.

Y/N: "Get a hold of yourself Lefiya Viridis!"

At his words Lefiya looked at him in shock.

Sure Y/N wasn't the nicest guy around, but this was the first time he yelled in this kind of tone.

Lefiya: "I-I-I did something real--ly bad..." she said in a disappointed and week tone.

Y/N: "Tell me everything from the beginning to the end you fool!"

Lefiya calmed down and started to explain what has happened. During all of this Y/N didn't say a single word. He carefully listened to her explain and didn't forget a single word spoken.

After she finished Y/N sighed and said.

Y/N: "I won't lie to you Lefiya. I am greatly disappointed and pissed at you." 

Even as Y/N said this in a calm tone with expressionless face. Lefiya couldn't help but shake in fear at his words. Soon after her own disappointed in herself caught up.

Y/N noticed all of this.

After all this was the thing he knew how to do best. 

Suddenly Y/N spoke once again.

Y/N: "Rise up Lefiya."

Lefiya: "Huh?"

Y/N: "I said rise up! So what if you made a mistake!? You think everybody in Loki familia is perfect! Well i will break your fantasy, they are not."

As Y/N spoke, Lefiya only listened.

Y/N: "What's important right now is to make a choice!"

Lefiya: "A choice?"

Y/N: "Yes. Will you choose to sit down there helpless or will you stand up and move forward?"

Lefiya: "I-I-I can't! After everything i have done!"

The shackles of shame were still heavy on Lefiya's heart.

Y/N simply looked at her. She reminded him so much of his old self from long long ago. He couldn't help but slowly get pissed.

He always hated when children cried helpless tears. Same can't be said about adults. Why? Unlike the children they have seen this cruel world for long enough to make there own choices.

But now in front of him was a young girl, not being able to do anything. What made this even worse was that she was from his familia.

Still he could easily help her, but she for once had to move forward or forever be stuck here.

So Y/N finally found the words and spoke them to Lefiya.

Y/N: "Lefiya listen."

Lefiya looked at Y/N, barely holding her tears.

Suddenly Y/N got on her level, looking her straight at the eyes.

Lefiya feared for the worst, but then Y/N spoke once again.

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