Chapter 3 - The Crush

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Hey Guys,

There is another chapter, chapter 2 before this one.
I don't know what the problem is with Wattpad settings. Everytime I try to swap these two chapters, it swaps back to bringing the third first.
So request you to please read it in sequence. Chapter 2 is after this one.

Apologies for confusion and inconvenience. 🙏

On the first day of the senior year, Ohm walked into the class with his earphones on. He was lost in his phone while Drake followed behind him munching on his burger.

All the girls in the class including a few boys turned to look at the two handsome faces that entered the classroom. Drake was always fascinated with the attention while Ohm gave no damn to who was looking and who wasn't.

"Dude, care to wave to your fans?" Drake waved to the girls in front seats and nudged Ohm with his elbow gesturing him to look at their drooling classmates.

"Stop bullshitting!" He said and continued browsing on his phone till he reached his chair. He took off his bag and shoved in his earphones into it.

"What is wrong in enjoying the limelight?" he took a seat beside Ohm and threw the burger wrap targeting the corner bin. It landed smoothly into the bin gaining him an applause from his so-called-fans.

"Showoff!" someone muttered while entering the class and all eyes turned to look at Jimmy who smirked looking at the two wannabes on the other side of the class. Another handsome guy made the drooling level increased in the classroom.

Drake scowled at him while Ohm just rolled his eyes before putting his mobile in back pocket and turning back in his seat.

Jimmy sneered in response and shared a virtual high five with Drake. Ohm glared at his friend who was Jimmy's friend as well.

"What? I was just greeting him. Don't sulk again. You should greet him too." Drake said.

Jimmy and Drake have been friends for long time as they were into the same swimming class since they were seven. Their friendship is something that they keep separate. They both know that their best friends can't look each other in the eye. So they try to not bother them much. But they made it clear that unlike Ohm and Nanon who were hell bent on hating and disrespecting each other, they will be the in touch and will keep their friendship intact.

Like Korapats and Pawats, both Drake and Jimmy belonged to well-off families and were all-rounders in academics and sports. And the parents of all these boys were often mingling in social gatherings and business conferences. So it was very obvious for them to know each other outside the university.

Ohm and Nanon were best of the lot. In appearance they were completely opposite. One was handsome and charming. The other was cute and sweet. The classmates, juniors and even the faculty heads adored them for both their academic and sports and extracurricular records and their family statuses. The only thing that nobody could understand was why they were always on each other's throat.

Though Nanon never disliked Drake and same was the case with Ohm for Jimmy. In fact, they were even talking to them when found alone. But Ohm couldn't help but not mingle with Jimmy much when he was around Nanon, which was usually the case.

"Don't start again and don't ask why. It's obvious." Ohm eyed Drake hoping he won't have to explain it over and over again to Drake every day.

"Speaking of the obvious..." Drake gestured him to look at the classroom door from where Nanon entered. Ohm's attention shifted to the person he accompanied.

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