Set Stones

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Karina had a crestfallen look " what .....out.... Why?!
Corrine rubbed her hair " baby bear I promise you.... It's just work, you know with all the recent happenings. New projects sprung up because of our the new ....... alliance with EVANS"  she replied dryly.

Karina's eyes shun up " oh I know, you get to have the projects and the handsome Greek god" she squealed
Corrine gave another dry smile " it's not as sweet as it sounds, but I'll admit he's handsome " she replied wriggling her eyebrow playfully.
Karina giggled " uh huh..... He's so dreamy and you're so lucky"
" Hey! Do you think your aunt is not worth him? She asked with an annoyed look
Shaking her head " of course not ...... The wife of the Greek god has to at least be a person of your standard aunt, you have quite a reputation too among my school boys, they all adore you" Karina replied with a sly glint in her eyes.
Corrine was speechless for a relationship while before turning towards the elevator totally ignoring the young girl.

Karina knew her aunt was angry, so she wrapped herself round her arm looking like a real baby bear " it's actually good that you're moving out, I could sleep over sometimes we would have a girl time. Just you and me........ it'll be fun" she clapped at her thoughts then she ranted on and on

Later on, Corrine forgot she was angry and was persuaded to go see the new barbie movie at the movie theater in her Metallic Blue Benz.
Which was a gift to her by her Aunt Cathy's husband Dame Lewis.

Nathan finally went back to his condominium after he solved the Japanese problems. He had previously been sleeping in the lounge in his office at work in order to be efficient since it was about 10 minutes drive from his place to work and he didn't have that kind of luxury, sometimes he went to his room in his  parents house which was just a minute drive fr the company to pick up clothes and other necessities.

Now he solved the problem and got a fiancee to replace  ....great! "My life is all set now" he thought sarcastically.
Thinking back to when they first met they was a sense of familiarity that he couldn't really understand and he planned to figure it out.
He hasn't been interested in a lady for a while.
Taking a long hot bath was what he wanted to do next, he doesn't even have the strength to cook so he ordered a take out before going into the bathroom.

Corrine woke up with a jump " oh shit!" She cursed. It was already 7 a.m which was very strange, she didn't wake up by 3 a.m because she didn't have any nightmare and the alarm was lying on the floor broken.
As poised and graceful as she was she had a very bad sleeping habit.

" Ha it's Saturday" she sighed with relief as she dropped her phone on the bed but she couldn't go back to sleep.
Ignoring the alarm clock she brushed her teeth and seated down to her ice cream. She washed her face and wore a running suit.
Inserting two ear pods into her ear, she went downstairs.

" Good morning Aunt Cathy"..... " Good morning sweetheart, are you going to jog"she answered with a sweet smile. Without waiting for a reply her aunt continued " you should have some pancakes "  taking a ate of three pancakes Corrine moaned as she ate them before placing a kiss on her aunt's cheek " thanks Aunt Cathy" .
Her aunt raised a glass of juice to her mouth before adding hurriedly when she saw Corrine leaving " come back early, so your spaghetti wont grow cold"
Corrine's eyes widened as she squealed like a kid " Spaghetti Bolognese?.....  Wow I love you more aunt" she said while hugging her aunt tightly.
" I don't wanna jog anymore I want my Bolognese hot" she quickly sat down with an appetizing look on her face..............

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