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You're nothing...

You're worthless...

You remind me of her...

Someone was hurling insults at me. I looked around, and realised I was in my bedroom, back at home.

That was strange. I didn't live at that place anymore.

My father was standing over me. He had obviously been drinking. The smell of alcohol and other substances assaulted my nose and burned my throat.

He started hitting me. It wasn't that unusual, and it was more unusual when he didn't do it every day.

He started shaking me while I was in bed. This was strange. He wasn't bothered whether I got up on time or not.

Wake up, Sae

His voice distorted slightly.

Sae-chan, we're gonna be late. Wake up!

A sharp impact on my head brought me to my senses, and I awoke from my dream.

"There we go. Good morning, sleepyhead. You don't want to lose us points, do you?"

My roommate, Hoshinomiya Chie, chided me for oversleeping.

She had brown, shoulder length hair, and a big smile.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." I apologised, getting out of bed.

"Yanno, it's not good to sleep too much. Not only will we get punished, but it's hard to get to sleep earlier the next night, too." She said.

"Hoshinomiya -san, not to be rude or anything, but I'm not in the mood right now." I said, gesturing for her to leave.

"Hmm, fine. You better not be late, though," she said, pouting as she left.

What did I do to deserve such an energetic roommate.

I couldn't afford to have a shower when it was this late. I would have to go without.

I put on my school uniform, and walked into the living room. An unpleasant smell assaulted me when I entered the room. It was the one smell I had explicitly said to Hoshinomiya I didn't want in the apartment:


I absolutely hated the stuff.

I gave Hoshinomiya my best angry look and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind me.

It would seem I would have to go without breakfast, unless I could get to a vending machine. I saw one up ahead, and bought a cereal bar.

"Hey, Chabashira-san." A male voice said to me.

I turned around, and saw my classmate, Tomonari Mashima, waving at me.

He had grey hair, cropped short. He wore a neutral expression.

"Hey, Mashima-kun. Good morning." I greeted him.

"Hayooo, Mashima-kun!" I heard the bubbly voice of Hoshinomiya running up to us. I sighed internally.

"Hello, Hoshinomiya-san. Why is Chabashira-san in an even worse mood than normal today?" Mashima asked her. I shot him a look, and he flinched slightly.

"Well, I forgot that Sae-chan doesn't like natto, and that was my breakfast this morning." She giggled.

"Ah, I see. Well, then. I suppose it's time to get to class, no?" Mashima said.

We walked to class together. I was fortunate in the fact that I wasn't seated near Hoshinomiya.

The first bell rang just as a sat down; I had managed to avoid being late.

Soon after the bell rang, our teacher, Sakayanagi-sensei, entered the room, carrying a rolled-up poster.

"Good morning class. I trust you're all doing well?" He asked, looking around the room.

"Forgive my impertinence, Sakayanagi-sensei, but what are our results for the midterms?" Mashima asked, cutting straight to the point.

"Ah, yes. I suppose you would be anxious. Well then, I suppose there's not much point in wasting time. After all, we might as well do it now, so as to leave time for other procedures." He said. I noticed he had a red pen in his pocket.

Authors notes
615 words
Welcome to the new fic! This takes place during the school days of Sae Chabashira, along with Hoshinomiya and Mashima.
I really wanted to explore the world that Chabs described in vol 3 (I think). She says it was a four way battle between the classes, and it was always a close competition. I already teased this in the last fic, starting in class B.
A short intro chapter, just to introduce the main characters.
Well, I jumped the gun and made this fic anyway.
If you want me to keep writing starting in class B: Ayanokouji Kiyone instead of writing this, just say.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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