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 "It'll be fine"

"No, it won't mum" Elizabeth slammed the car door shut

"Okay I get that the first day of school is always scary but don't take it out on the car" The driver started the engine

"This is my 3rd first day"

"And this is a Benz"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No, it's actually a Benz" She was trying to apply her makeup on "you didn't see the logo or something?"

"I'm being fucking serious mum" Elizabeth was tired of moving and starting over at new places, it was exhausting and she needed space to settle for once

"Fine" her mum stopped to look at her "I'm sorry it wasn't a funny joke okay" she smiled at her "I'm sorry we had to move, would you have preferred we stayed in London with your dad?"

"Of course not, that's not even an option" Elizabeth hated moving but not as much as she hated living with her dad, he was a menace and she was over sharing a space with someone who refused to get his life together.

"Exactly" her mum continued to apply her powder "no more moving I swear, this is it for us"

Elizabeth looked out of the window and imagined what her school was like, she tried to imagine what the people that went there looked like. She had only ever been to America once with her dad, when he was on tour, she hated it so much, it was different, and now she was preparing to spend the remaining years she had in high school there. She knew her mum wouldn't understand how she was feeling about moving because her mum moved around a lot and she seemed to really love it so she dropped the topic.

The town looked a bit different from Knightsbridge, the people here looked a bit happier. Well, she didn't know any of them personally but, at Knightsbridge, everyone looked so stiff and plastic, they all walked and talked the same way like it was planned, she always felt like she didn't belong there.

When the car stopped at the parking lot of her school she read the sign "WHITMORE HIGH", it sounded like the schools she went to in London, preppy and uptight, but it looked nothing like them. She was used to wearing uniforms and she hated that but here it was so colourful and bubbly, everyone looked so different and unique. she saw a mascot holding the head of his costume in his hand as he was talking to a bunch of girls, one girl caught her attention, she wore a cheerleaders outfit and her hair was in a ponytail, she looked bored of the boy and it looked like her friends were laughing at him, for some random reason Elizabeth couldn't stop staring at her, her eyes were dull and her face was expressionless but somehow she was the most beautiful person she had ever seen.

her mum tapped her and she turned immediately "Elizabeth answer me"

"Oh shit sorry mum"

"We're here" her mum kissed her cheek "have an amazing day Lizzy"

"Mum please don't call me that" she pulled the hood of her sweater over her head and walked out, she could hear her mum screaming "i love you, text me if you need anything" but she didn't turn around, she didn't need attention on the first day.

There was a student at the entrance who waved at her "hey"

"Um hi" Elizabeth looked up at him

"I'm Luca, the admissions officer, Mr. Hernandez, appointed me to show you the ropes before you get used to the environment" he smiled at her but her expression didn't change, she thought to herself "oh great, a babysitter!". "We have classes together, so it'll be easy for you to access me anytime you need help getting around", she looked at him as if she was studying him, he was tall and had curly hair, he looked like someone girls would flock around but she didn't have the time for that, he was so optimistic and she wondered why anyone would be that happy to take a total stranger round the school. "So shall we" he smiled again and made way for her to walk beside him.

Little Touch of HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now