Solutions to problems

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"Dad" Nathan called in a solemn tone as he walked into his father's office. "Hey boy" Mr Burrows answered back in the same tone.
Raising the file up with a hand in his pocket "this deal happened last week..... I thought it was supposed to wait till I got back" He complained
" Well it's nobody's fault here right, the japs knew what they were doing when they suddenly insisted on reviewing the contract couple of days ago............. Those trickish bastards" he swore under his breath while rubbing his forehead, although he didn't admit it to his son he felt embarrassed that such a thing happened under his jusrisdiction.
" What are our chances at suing them?" Nathan asked as he sat down.

Emilio Burrows shook his head in reply " we had meeting yesterday and they were clearly on their right according to what we signed, we lose hundred of billions if we fight them"
Nathan muttered a curse as he raked his hands through his hair
" What are their demands?" He asked after moments of silence.
" Impossible things Nathan.....they want exclusive trade right of our ore, you know what that means? " He glanced at his son.
"Of course, I know" Nathan answered dryly
"We'll never have the upper gain on ore ever again....... And the other things?. He raised a brow in question
" They want 70% of whatever the profit is on this project..
" That's bullshit"  Nathan answered sharply  He picked up his phone and dialed a number " hey man ...yeah I'm back........ Hell yeah I need your help ..... check a person for me.... A Donna Amber from the company, check the people she communicated with in the last few weeks and her bank accounts ......yeah everything ...... I need it before night time ...... Thanks man"  he hung up
" You think Donna is the snitch ....... Hell why didn't I think of that" Emilio supported his head with his hands
There was a knock then " come in Emilio answered
A young slender lady came in all on all her appearance looks very appealing save the large nose that dented her perfect face. She wore a huge glass that made her nose not stand out much.
" You called for me ..... She paused when she noticed Nathan " Sirs ? She concluded
" Take a sit Miss Donna"  Emilio gestured to a sit opposite him
Donna Amber sat down in a well practiced posture gazing at them with wary eyes.
" You translated the documents" Nathan asked raising up the file
" Yes sir" She replied with a deep breath Intake
" And you didn't notice the clause that could put mine and your job at risk "  It was a statement rather than a question.
"I... I  sir .....I definitely translated it and went through it but it was like....they ....uhm ...the Japanese made it oblivious..... Sir"  she ended the short speech stuttering.
Nathan leaned forward " when you were employed Miss Donna, you submitted your CV which showed you had an A in Linguistics in Harvard, was that all a lie....... Or maybe you just decided to give our partners a leeway" he continued
Amber raised her voice in protest        " Absolutely not sir, I definitely have nothing to do with the Japanese. I'm not being a narcissist but I know I've always done a good job...
She paused when she saw him stare at her with an eyebrow cocked "that is except for this ... I ....I ....oh my God ..... I'm so sorry for this but I promise you, I have nothing to do with this.... I don't even know how it happened"
She stared at him with a red rimmed eyes before bringing it down under his scrutinizing gaze.
He settled back down and crossed his legs, tapping the arm of the chair he said slowly " that'll be all Miss Donna"
As if processing what he means she blinked her eyes twice before standing up " then if you'll excuse me  ......Sirs " she looked towards Emilio too before going out with a wobbly leg.
It shows how scared and intimidated by the two presences she faced

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