4 - Mana

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  "No need. She was teleported here by a low class magician." Lucas said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

How did he already know!?

"A low class magician can cast dimension spells?" I asked clearly confused since it didn't match up very well.

"No, have you not been paying attention when I teach you magic?" Lucas retorted not annoyed more of just making a comment.

Duh! Who understands 'Woosh!' and 'Pow!'.

What kind of teaching is that!?

"I'm saying she was teleported to the garden. Not that she came into our dimension and was at the gardens." Lucas explained slowly as if that would help if I didn't understand

"So someone was behind this?" I asked Lucas.

"Someone teleported her here. And from what I can see also cast black magic." Lucas replied showing me a ball of mana from Saeon that had appeared in his hand.



Why does things only get more and more complex!?

"I think she was already here for quite sometime. The black magic used effected her memories." Lucas said getting rid of the mana ball in his hands and it vaporizing into thin air.

"Can you trace the magic?" I asked.

"Whoever cast this is a clever bastard. but I'm better." Lucas replied looking very proud.

Can you get to the point?

"I found the mana similar to yours and your dad's." Lucas told me looking at me as if trying to see how I would react.


Whoever sent her..

Is in my bloodline...

  It's not...

"Do you think it's..."

"No. I know his mana, I would've recognized it immediately." Lucas said.

It's not Aeternitas.

Then who is it...

"It actually seemed like the chimera's magic."


"But you said her mana manifest in her want for love." I said.

"I said like. It's not her's but it's very similar." Lucas corrected.

"Anastacius?" I asked.

He nodded.


Why would uncle do this!?

I don't get it!

"Can you pay a visit to him?" I asked.

"The bastard concealed his mana. I would have to travel there and be close enough so I can find him." Lucas said to me showing me a map that he had made in his hand and having one X on it which showed where mieta was a a very light red gradient around the whole of mieta.

So Lucas will have to travel to Mieta...?

"And I can't leave since the changelings mana is unstable as of now due to her emotions. And maybe because she has way to much for her actual capacity." Lucas said keeping the map.

"If I do go I will be gone for a few days." Lucas explained.

"But if you go what would happen if saeon magic goes beserk?" I asked stating his point to begin with that he couldn't leave.

"Well... She would just die then." He told me shrugging as if it didn't matter.


How did he say that so calmly?!


This is like being trapped into a corner!

No one else can deal with mana outbrust other then Lucas!

Okay maybe papa can but who knows how long it would take to learn that!

There's no way I could since my own mana isn't even that stable!

But only he can sense Anastacius mana since Jennette and him have disappeared off our radar since they didn't want to disturb us!

"I can send a search party for him." I suggested trying to search for any spark of hope.

"That probably wouldn't work, those people are far to incompetent." Lucas casually insulted.

"Then what should we do?" I asked truely just wanting to give up.

"For now it would be the best to just watch the changeling. The person didn't really do much harm so they mustn't be important." Lucas stated.

I nodded.

I foucsed on the papers as I had to reply to a few problems and settle a few issues as well as write the proposal for saeon staying and hand it to Papa.

While I was doing that Lucas pulled a chair and sat there watching me work and pointing out mistakes.

He surprisingly knew how to do paper work.

I thought he would just throw it to his number 1 or 2 and tell them to do it.

"By the way Lucas, who has more mana? Me or her?" I asked while writing.

"You both are the same person so you have the same capacity. Yet she is currently storing way to much over her capacity so she probably has a active spell going on that increase her mana." Lucas replied.

"But I thought mana cannot be changed?" I questioned.

"She is probably stealing it from someone constantly and from the looks of it she doesn't even know." Lucas informed me.

How does everything only keep getting more and more complicated...

"Is that dangerous to her?" I asked slightly concerned since I know he won't even care.

"Well, her body isn't made to contain that much mana so if anyone cast a healing spell on her which cost the transfer of a little bit of mana she would have a mana outbreak." Lucas said.

"So as long as no spells are cast on her she's fine?" I asked.

Lucas shook his head and sighed.

I don't understand your explaination!

"She herself may also overload. Those are the two risk." Lucas stated.

"Can't you take away a little bit of her mana just like you did with me?" I asked.

"I could do that but she would absorb more from whoever she's taking from and cause that other person to die." Lucas explained.

My god...

"So we are stuck?" I asked.

Lucas nodded.

Lord... I'm going to die...

I sighed.

Someone knocked.

"Come in!"

"Princess?" Lily came in.

"Lily! Here. I need these arrangements to be done for sae- athanasia." I said passing her a few pieces of paper.

"I'll see to it that it is done." Lily replied.

"Why did you look for me?" I questioned.

"Felix is requesting if he could be granted an audience with Athanasia." Lily said.


"Tell him to knock on her door and see if she tells him to come in." I told her.

She nodded.

"Princess, I'll take my leave." Lucas said disappearing.


It's just me now...

Me and my papers...


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