Chapter Ten.

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Alright so im not sure where I got the courage from to ask Scarlett to hang out today but here we are. Im not mad about it, im wooping her sweet little (its not little) ass anyways. Now, im reallyyy competitive so if I don't win I'll throw a riot I dont care.
The ball is slowly rolling down the alley and it feels like its moving in slow motion, pissing me off actually. Finally, the ball reaches the pins and boom..

"HA STRIKE! I WIN!" I shout towards Scarlett which earns a few stares from people.
"Oh please it was just luck." Scarlett replies rolling her eyes with a smile.
"You're just mad it wasn't you winning, you're worse that Alyssa." I reply.
"Whatever loser." She bites back. I place my hand on my heart and give a fake hurt expression as we start walking towards the front desk.
"Scarlett I would like to say I am not in fact a loser. I just won and I beat your ass by alot actually." We place our shoes on the desk and I give the kid at the desk a tip of 20, he looks about 16 must be a summer job or something.
"E-Excuse me? Y/N, Scarlett, im a huge fan of both of you! C-Could I uhm maybe have a photo with you both? Please?" The shy boy asks.
"Sure lets do it!" I nicely say back as I grab his phone and we both stand either side of the boy. We smile and take the photo, pretty nice one if you ask me.
"Whats your name kid?" I politely ask.
"S-shane ma'am." He quietly replies.
"Well it's nice to meet you shane. Have a good day bud." I smile as I pat the teenager on the shoulder.
"Bye shane! It was great meeting you" Scarlett adds.
"Bye guys thank you so much, you two would make a sweet couple!" He cheekily adds which causes Scarlett to blush like mad. We wave in response and head outside. I let Scarlett in and then get in myself.

"Im hungry. Would you like to go and get something to eat? I know a few good restaurants around here?" I nervously ask.

"Hm you're sure making this sound like a date Y/L/N." She replies with her signature smirk and I can feel the heat rushing to my face.

"Oh no uh I just thought it would be a good idea. Sorry I'll just take you home." I say avoiding eye contact as much as possible. Well that was awkward.

"What no I wanna go I was just kidding." She quickly adds in as she places her hand on mine placed on the steering wheel. When I feel her touch its like electricity running through my veins. Her hands are so, so soft and they look so tiny compared to my own. She removes her hand and all of a sudden my hand feels empty and cold. I shake off the feeling and drive off to the restaurant.

Once we arrive I get us seated at a nice table with a view of the beach. I pull out Scarletts chair for her before I get seated in my own across from her.
"So Scarlett tell me about you. I wanna know you better." I ask.
"Well, Im currently going through my divorce with Colin, hes a good guy I just wasn't feeling it anymore he was spending more time with everyone else but me and was coming home drunk most nights. I had suspicions that he was cheating on me but it was never actually confirmed. Im a twin. Uh im living with Lizzie for now she refuses to let me find somewhere at the moment, I think she likes it so she doesn't feel as lonely. And I act! As you know. Im not sure what else you want to know. Now tell me about you" She replies a bit out of breath. Wow I thought her and Colin split because Scarlett was the bad guy. I hate how the media stirs things up.
"Okay well I moved from london with my mum and Alyssa when I was younger, not 100% sure how old I was maybe about 14?. I started boxing when I was 15 thats where I met Mike, my coach. Hes great I love him, hes the closest thing ive had to a dad since my actual dad- since London." I say shrugging my shoulders and leaning back in my seat. "Oh and I have a fight next Tuesday, will you be there I can get you and Liz tickets?"
"You know what, sure I'll be there I'll clear my schedule." She smiles. We make eye contact and sit in silence for a good minute before a woman comes over asking for our orders.
"Hi my names Katie, what can I get you today?" She asks politely as she gives me the biggest smile I've ever seen. I let Scarlett order first.
"Ill just have the steak and fries please" She coldly requests, why does she suddenly seem angry?
"Ill just have the burger and fries please and a pepsi." I add.
"No problem sweetheart." The young woman says as she winks at me. No thank you. Be gone satan. I give her a soft smile and she walks away swaying her hips slightly. Shes got a good ass though. I look away back to Scarlett and shes already staring at me and talking.
"You're hot." She says.
"Excuse me?" I reply.
"She thinks your hot, go for it." She then replies looking around the room.
"Uh no im good those days are over." I joke as I  brush my hand over the table. She gives me a slight smile as we wait for our food.

Eventually the food comes out and we eat in a comfortable silence. I can see from the corner of my eye the woman, kaylee? Was that her name? Shes staring me down like im her prey. I focus my attention onto Scarlett.
"Ive really enjoyed today Scar. Thankyou for coming out with me." I sincerely say as we finish up or meals.
"I really liked it too, maybe we could do it again sometime?" She asks. Fuck yeah. We can do this again.
"Ofcourse just let me know when and I'll be there." I say back. Just then the woman comes back and we both go to pay for our meals.
"Nope ive got this one covered I asked you to hang out with me today." I insist. Scarlett rolls her eyes and puts her card away. After I pay the lady gives me a note I unfold it and its her number and name. Oops its Katie not Kaylee. She walks away without saying anything and I see Scarlett giving Katie .What is going on?

We walk outside to the car and notice that its already getting dark. We spent all day together wow. Time really does fly when your having fun.
"Right lets get you back to mama lizzie then" I laugh.
"She is most likely going to put me on time out when I get back. Im out after dark." Scarlett jokes which makes us both laugh. Its such a beautiful sound to hear.
Once our laughter dies down I reluctantly decide to drive her home. I dont want this day to end. We listen and sing to a few songs before we arrive at her and Lizzies home. I park up and get out of the car to let Scarlett out.
"You know you didnt have to get out to open the door for me silly." She softly speaks.
"Im walking you to your door. That way I know you got in okay" I explain.
"I dont think anything would happen to me in the 20 seconds it takes me to get from your car to the door but sure." She laughs as she walks up to the door. We stand outside the door and she speaks up.
"I had alot of fun today, it was really nice being with you. Thank you. Next time im paying though okay?" She speaks.
"Ah so there is going to be a next time huh? I Better make it extra special then" I joke with a wink as she giggles.
"Dont push it Y/L/N." She laughs as she places her hand on my chest and gets up on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek. That feeling of electricity is back. Her lips are so soft. I could be attached to them all day and I wouldnt be mad. I can feel myself blush as she does so.
"Goodnight Y/N." She says as she opens the door.
"Goodnight Green eyes." I reply back before she shuts the door with a wave. Now its just me standing outside the door like a lemon. I should move I dont want Scarlett or Lizzie to think im some wierdo so I jog back to the car and head home.

Once I get home I greet the dogs, workout a little and take a seat in the living room to give Alyssa a call to catch her up on everything.
"Alyssa? You will never guess how my day has been..." I excitedly tell her as she picks up the phone.
"Did you and Scarlett fuck? Lizzie and Chris owe me 15 dollars."
"Uhm no We didnt, you took bets?"


Hey! 2 chapters today! Whaaaat. This is crazy.
I kinda like these last two chapters.
There will be alot of  Y/N and Scarlett
Chapters coming up.

Thank you for reading!
Have a good day :)

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