"Say Diluc.... I think you could use some improvements"

He didn't have any reason to doubt you, not when he had just experienced your premises to be true. But perhaps there was something more than just curiosity that urged him to say the following.

"What do you suggest?"

Okay, now time for you to put things forward in the simplest form possible.

"Artifacts might not be possible at the moment'' because you didn't actually have any "but a better weapon... that's very much doable"

Wolves Gravestone was the only thing you had on your mind. Lore-wise the weapon existed, and it had Mondstadt origins and it looked good on him. All you had to do was find it, really.

Easier said than done, but the Knight of Boreas left it behind as a literal gravestone. It might still be out there, in some wilderness.

"So, is this what you do?"

Along with watching and observing all monumental changes in this world and uncovering all its secrets.

"Sometimes, otherwise, I'm just a traveler exploring this land, watching and learning about its history." the lore whore that you were, you had to indulge yourself. And yeah, you knew it was just a video game, but useless research was your forte. And better to mention it now before you got any weird looks for knowing something obscure.

Still, you had an inkling feeling that he wasn't sold on your story just yet.

"A traveler with no supplies or preparations. Rather unlikely, don't you think?"

And of course, he wasn't.

"In the words of the geo archon, All Mora is currency but not all currency is Mora."

You leaned forward, situating your elbows on the table before your chin in the palm of your hand.

"I have a rather peculiar skill set, as you just saw, and it proves itself to be more than sufficient."

There might be some truth to your words, but then it would be impossible for someone like you to be so... unexpected. He firsthand knew the lengths people could go for power. In a world like this, for you to remain so inconspicuous.

Something about that just doesn't make sense, but then again, 'not making sense' was essentially all of you.

He sighs, and yet he feels compelled to accept what you said.

"Now tell me do these guys serve some sort of dessert?"


Maybe ditching Diluc like that wasn't the best of ideas. The man had just paid for your lunch and was inquiring about dessert for you when you took off.

But oh well, what's done is done and you could always find him again. You knew the streets of Mondstadt like the back of your hand, a little bit too well to your liking, in fact. Collecting Philanemo Mushrooms took you to every nook and corner of the city. Needless to say, you recognized almost all corners of this city.

Your exploration detour was exciting really. Everything that was used to fit on your screen now surrounded you completely. Buildings that were in-game for the sake of existing, now were more solid... in the way everything was animate. No longer just a digital model of a city but in fact a real one, no longer just an idea of a place, but something tangible.

Currently, you were beyond the main street and the shops, a quiet street beyond the usual hustle of the seemingly cheerful city, a left turn and you were sure you could spot Mona's house. You had half the mind to go and visit but the plan was cut short when you spotted two very recognizable blonde pigtails. .......Barbara? But what was she doing all the way back here?

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