𝟑. caramel sundae's

Start from the beginning

Before you got up to leave to be dropped home, Jean's mother receives a call. You both had no idea who it was or what it was about but you weren't too bothered. You were more engrossed in your and Jean's conversation than anything.

After the phone call, instantly you could tell by Jean's mother's tone, that something was wrong. You tried not to let this anxiety that was brewing in your stomach overcome your good mood.

"Hey, Y/n. You want to stay and have dinner with us?" Jean's mother questioned, you couldn't read what happened on the phone call but you knew something was wrong. You tried to just let that feeling slide.

You obliged and had dinner with them that night. You were soon dropped off home, you said your goodbyes and made your way back into your house.

As soon as you entered it was like the whole house had been turned upside down.

You could hear your mother crying in the living room, Mina's comforting voice came from the room. That's when you knew.

That night everything changed your life, the way you thought, your sister, your mother. That was when your mother changed for the worst, she became bitter and abusive. She blamed everyone else but herself for why your father left. You would find yourself yelled at for nights on the end that you were the reason he left. Eventually, you convinced yourself that it was true.

Although your life seemed to of fallen apart. You had Jean. He was there whenever you needed him. Like a real friend should be.

5 years ago.

It was the last year of high school, and everyone was thinking about where they were going to college, future scholarships, and future jobs. That's what was on most people's minds. You had the bare few who didn't care where they ended up, high school was just fun and games to them. To you, it was not. You had always been passionate about your writing, it was always one of your main priorities. You didn't have very many friends in high school, it simply didn't interest you.

You only needed your family and your few friends.

You were planning to go to Trost University for journalism, you had already sealed your place there.

You and Jean were at the park, talking about whatever then that's when that conversation came up.

"So where are you thinking about going to college?" You ask him, "Well..uh." He was silent for a moment, you could tell something was off. "Well...?"

"I'm thinking about taking a sports scholarship at a college out of state."


"Well, if that's what you want to do, then you should go for it," you forced a smile. As much as you wanted to be selfish and convince him to go to the same college as you but you wanted him to do what is best for him.

"Yeah, you think so?" He smiled a little, "Yeah, I do."

"I'm glad you feel that way, but are you okay with me going so far?" He tilted his head, trying to read how you were feeling.

But you didn't let him see the dread you felt not seeing him for a long time.

"You will come to visit me right?"
"Of course, you're my best friend." He laughed, "I wouldn't let you go that easily."

'Best friend'

Was that all you were? Just his childhood 'Best friend'.

After all this time of spending years by each other's side, you thought maybe he felt the way you did and he would've confessed his love, then you would live your happily ever after. But, you suppose it's never that simple. Is it?

"That's good to hear," you laugh a little. You maintained eye contact, silence filling the air. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, it was relaxed. A feeling was building up in both of your chests. It wasn't a feeling of just friendship, it was a feeling of something more than that. The words saying you feel more than just 'best friends' was just waiting to come out. But you both didn't. Maybe things may have turned out differently if you said how you felt back then.

After high school finished, you remember saying goodbye to him before he left for his new start elsewhere. You had never hugged each other more than you did when you separated ways. You just wanted it to last forever.

"I'm going to miss you more than anything."
"I'm going to miss you too."

And that was that. He left. You were stuck in the same place you had called home for 18 years and now you were going to spend another 4 years here. By yourself.

You kept in contact for a while until you were both too busy finding time to talk, it was sad. You missed him everyday for the first year of college, after that he slowly became a distant memory.

Eventually, you spoke every day, to most days, and then to never.

- - -

sorry for this chapter is shorter than the last but I wanted to keep this kinda short and let you into a little of their past.

I hope you enjoyed this!!
tysm for reading<3

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝟏𝟖, Jean Kirstein.Where stories live. Discover now