Chapter 8

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I didn't sleep well that night. Or the next. By a week after Alejandro had been eliminated, I had lost three days of sleep. I spent most time at our favorite place, which was just an open field. I sat there a lone, or would lay there. Either way I still couldn't believe it. Alejandro usually made it so far in the game, but for him to be booted out third, that just was so unnatural. I didn't speak much, I didn't even skate much anymore. I wouldn't do anything. Today, as I laid in the open field, a body say down next to me.

"Go away Duncan." I say, but don't even look up.
"I'm not Duncan." The voice says, but it's female. I automatically recognize it, Heather.
"What do you want?"
"Nothing, I just came to tell you I missed Alejandro too." She says and I look towards her. Her hair has grown out, and she stopped wearing halter tops. She actually had a v neck Scarlett t shirt on.
"I don't miss him." I reply and try to act as cool as possible.
"Yeah you do. I could tell he meant a lot to you."
"You have no proof."
"So you're moping around for he last week has had nothing to do with him?" She asks. I sigh sadly, she found me out. I didn't respond to her, and just stared at the clouds. I didn't want to tell Heather she was right, because she would gloat over it.
"Just bug off Heather." I say to her and she shrugs her shoulders.
"Hey I tried to be nice." She whispers and stands up and leaves. I sit up and take a deep breath in. I exhale and stand up. Heather did have a point, I needed to move on.

When I walked back to the cabins, it was pure silence. No one was there so I figured that they were at the pool. I walked into my cabin to find my entire team, sitting on the bunks. The girls are on theirs and the boys are on the extra ones.

"Uh, what's happening?" I asked, a little concerned.
"It's to hot to move." Harold exclaimed.
"I agree with twig over here, it's to hot for my hotness!" Anne Maria adds. I scoff, honestly I never thought she was that pretty.
"So what we're going to do about the challenge?" I ask and Duncan shrugs.
"We probably won't have one." He says and soon our pain in the tail section hosts blasts his voice on the loudspeaker.

"ALL TEAMS REPORT TO THE DINNING HALL NOW!" Chris shouts and soon my team all sighs and heads up. Well basically they try to stand up and move. As soon as we exit out cabin I can see Marco running around, his shirt off. He quickly turns around and back jogs.

"C'mon Sammy! You're king to lose the bet!" He yells back and I turn my head to find Sammy, easily 10ft behind Marco, slowly walking and panting her lungs out.
"Fine, I give up!" She yells and Marco stops running. He stands there, flashing his smile and walks up to Sammy. I quickly head down the cabin stairs. Everyone knew Marco and Sammy had it big for each other.

Once Marco got to Sammy, she collapsed in his arms. He held her there, like she was an infant. He smiled and kissed her neck. She gave a small moan.

"Somebody's horny." I murmur and Marco turns to me and laughs.
"I wouldn't be the only one." He says to me and winks.
"It seems you're only horny for her though." I respond and point to Sammy, who's literally about to fall asleep.
"Yea, she's something else." Marco murmurs and smiles. He's got a real cute smile, but trust me I don't like him. Soon the beast formerly known as Amy, came and stepped on Marco's foot.

"Put Samey down." She demanded.
"It's Sammy, and no." Marco responded with no emotion.
"You can't tell me you actually like this loser?"
"She's no loser. Sammy is kind, gentle, beautiful, and polite. Something you'll never be Amy." Marco responding and soon Sammy woke up from her mini coma.

"Huh?" She murmured, almost unconscious.
"UGH SAMEY YOU STUPID WAATE OF SKIN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" Amy yelled at her twin sister. I scrunched up my nose in disgust.
"Leave her a lone." I say and immediately regret it. If the past 3 years of middle school and 2 years of high school bullies wasn't enough I learned one thing: NEVER GET A BLONDE CHICK MAD!
"You and what army?" She teased.
"She's got me." Gwen states.
"Me too." Duncan joins in.
"Me as well." Says Trent.
"Count us in." Cameron says for Cody, Noah, Dave, and him.
"Me too girl!" Leshawna says and Heather nods. Pretty soon most people nod their heads or join in.

"Well-well who needs you! Because I-I don't!" Amy says and storms off.
"If you guys lose, vote her off PLEASE!" Jasmine begs to Team Conquistadors.
"Trust me she's gone like the dinosaurs." Cameron states and we all chuckle.
"Should we head to Chris?" Courtney asks and I am shocked.
"Why are you so surprised Deryn? Courtney talks all the time!" Scott asks me.
"Her voice is so different in real life than on TV."
"What do y mean?" She asks.
"Well on TV it's high pitched and annoying, but here in person, it's actually something like they would use in a commercial." I state and I may have taken it over too much. I kinda get really deep really fasts when I rant on about things.

"Well we should head to Chris, only one of us is going to win that money." Heather says and I roll my eyes and soon the entire casts heads to the dinning hall. Awaiting the torture that Chris McLean gives to us weekly.

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