Chapter 3

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As we sit by the entrance, the night sky as blue as the bottom of the sea, the stars like fireflies, the warm June air finally cooling down. I sit by Trent and he's strumming his guitar, singing quietly. Well sit around each other and soon it begins to cool down. I begin to shake.

"Deryn, you seem cold. Here have my shirt." Alejandro says and pulls off his shirt and hands it to me. I pull over his velvet shirt and he sits with his undershirt in the cold.
"But what about Heather?" I ask him. He shrugs and puts his arm around me.
"Heather is irrelevant, my heart only beats for you." He says and moves in closer. I can feel his Latin warmth, and all of the sudden I can hear Jasmine Australian accent.
"Crikey mate, haven't you seen this guy on air before?"
"Uh.... um, yea, b-bu-but-"
I try and say.
"This dude makes satan shiver." Beth says. "Oh sorry Alejandro, was that mean?"
"Wow girl, you are one soft cookie." Anne Maria says.
"Ok, um just shut up!" I yell and cover my ears.
"Aw she's blushing!" Amy says in pure evil. "Deryn's got a crush!"
"Put a sock in it Amy!" Duncan says to her and she looks scared.
"Wow, way to be harsh." Noah says all sassy like. I begin to stare at him.
"What the heck! Why are you looking at me?" He asks.
"Nothing you just seem gay." I say, still looking at him. He blushes and looks at Cody or Cameron for help.
"Trust me, Noah isn't gay." Cody says and looks to Gwen, all flirty.
"Uh, this is awkward. " Gwen says and looks towards Duncan for help.
"Cody, back off. We all know you like her, you don't need to act all mysterious." He says and rolls his eyes. Pretty soon we disburst and I walk off with Trent.

"So, what is it with you and Duncan?" He asks me, then he leans in.
"Uh, not much. He's just protective." I say and actually look into his eyes. They're grass green and full of peace. I gaze into them and he leans in even closer. He looks up at the sky and sighs.

"Such a beautiful starry night, isn't it?"
"Yea, it's breathtaking."
"Just like you."
"I think you must be talking about yourself then. I'm not really beaut."
"So you think I'm hot?" He says and smiles at me. I begin to stutter and he chuckles.
"You you're different than the other girls." He says. "I like that." He adds and I can't help but smile. Then I think of reality. Although Trent is sweet, kind, and has those eyes you can fall into, we are in a competition. However, the season just started, no need to get nasty or back-stabby yet. We find an old skate park and I cheer. I love to skate, it sets my mind at ease, and calms me down from whatever problems I may face. I always carry my skateboard with me, so I began to skate down the ramps. Trent just sits there, watching me. After a couple runs, I skate over to him, doing a backwards Ollie.

"So, what did you think?" I ask him. He smiled and I sat down next to him.
"You're not that bad, but hey what do I know?" He responds. It gets a little silent, so I begin to brake the quietness before it becomes awkward.

"Do you wanna play 21 questions?" I ask him and he nods.
"Ok, um favorite color?" He asks me.
"Probably, I can't believe I'm saying this but lavender. Favorite book series?"
"Probably the Percy Jackson series. Favorite solo artist?"
"Easy. Bruno Mars. Ok how about favorite subject?"
"Art. Favorite movie?"
"That's a tough one." I say and think about it. "Defiantly The Help. So how about a favorite Shakespeare play?"
"Romeo and Juliet."
"So your into romance?"
"I've always been into romance, it is my favorite book genre. Speaking of which what's your favorite book genre?"
"That's easy, I love Steam Punk."
"What is Steam Punk?"
"It's where they take a past time period and make it all science fiction like. Have you ever heard of the Leviathan series?"
"Oh that's Steam Punk."
"Ok next question isn't this like question eight."
"I think we should count the other questions we asked about the questions."
"So that's eleven questions. Question twelve is, what's your least favorite type of music?"
"I gotta say electronic, I just can't stand it. How about your favorite band?"
"That's easy, The Wanted."
"So you like the pop culture eh?"
"A bit. Don't get me wrong I love rock and roll, but sometimes pop speaks to me. Even sometimes I'll turn on country music, but as a Christian, I need to listen to more Christian music." I say and he looks at me confused.
"Your a Christian? What denomination of faith?"
"Ok first were at like question 18. And my denomination is probably Mennonite. I was raised in a catholic family though, but the switch was pretty easy. My older sister Liz also converted to the Mennonite faith, but two out of four older brothers went to atheism."
"Which ones?"
"My older brother James, who came out gay and my other brother-" I begin but I stop myself. What would Trent think if he knows I'm Duncan's little sister? He'll probably stop talking to me and ignore me the rest of the time he's here. That's going to be a long season, and I don't know if I, going to even win this.
"Um I can't say the other."
"What? Will I be surprised?"
"Well that's 21 questions, hey look at the time, I got to go, but I did enjoy this with you Trent." I say as I grab my board and I run away from him. I could only hear him say one thing while I'm running.
"I'll miss you."

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