Chapter Fifteen -The Truth is...

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"How are you feeling?" Celeste said, closing the door behind her cautiously, trying to make as little noise as possible. Geralt rested his hand on his chest, breathing slowly as usual, staring at the sky through the window.

"Alive" Geralt replied somewhat dryly, not that it was easy to decipher the tone Geralt carried in his voice, but Celeste had a special and unique way of always understanding the intonation of his every sentence.

Celeste walked over to Geralt's bed, knowing that he probably wouldn't appreciate her doing what she was about to do, but she didn't care, this was her way of apologizing, she was going to sneak up on him, because she knew if she confronted Geralt on the spot, he would pull away and shut down. Then she lay down beside Geralt, resting her head on his shoulder, feeling Geralt's fingers lightly brush against her arm. Celeste stared out the window, staring at the stars, just as Geralt did, and then sighed heavily, feeling her throat go dry and her lips quiver as she searched for the right words.

"Do you remember when we were younger and we would steal the evening dessert, hiding in your room to eat that strawberry jam and find the constellations?" Celeste commented, smiling lightly, closing her eyes and letting the feeling of nostalgia consume her "Cassandra always brought that honeyed jam that I loved so much, I liked when she took me honey picking too and was always amazed at how we never got stung by any bees. I think a lot about those moments, moments in Kaer Morhen, whether good or bad, I always come back to them, whether I like it or not, it's like a curse and a blessing at the same time".

"I know the feeling" Geralt said, without looking away "sometimes even good memories hurt, I try not to live in the past, but it's tricky, when your past is full of unknowns."

Celeste swallowed hard, she knew that this was a rather direct indirection, but that was okay, he had every right to want answers, and this was the first time Celeste felt comfortable enough to speak up. Certain parts of her past were like lost jewels at the bottom of the sea, the truth is that she knew how to find them, let the sun beat down on their shining surface, but at the same time, she didn't want to find too many of her secrets hidden beneath the seven seas. But she felt that she needed to put the final dot on that part of her life, to take into her own hands the power that had been taken from her, and to give Geralt the satisfaction he so deserved.

"Watching you almost die made me feel something I haven't felt in many years...fear, I always thought I would be the first to go of the two of us, since you are a true witcher and I am.... I don't know exactly what I am, what I do know is that my name is Celeste, that I grew up in Kaer Morhen, that my mother died during my birth and that Vesemir raised me, I also know that I am no longer the girl you knew so many years ago, I am no longer a little powerless girl, Geralt" Celeste sat up, hugging her legs as she stared into nothingness "I am a woman, a woman with so many strands and roots of stories and tragedies that you have no idea, I understand you feeling anger, but you don't know everything, so your judgment isn't complete, partially this is my fault and I understand your feeling, I'd probably feel the same way if it had happened to me when I was so young, but the truth is that life wasn't easy and it's not easy to admit all that I've been through when I could have had so many paths, but I am a woman, Geralt, and I was a motherless girl with a father who had no idea what he was doing and girls, Geralt, girls don't have many choices in this man's world."

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