"Well, there's only one explanation." Anastasia starts. "He's cheating on you."

There is no way Dillon is cheating on me...

"No. Don't jump to conclusions. He probably just forgot." I try to convince them.

"You don't just forget your girlfriend's birthday." Reginae tells me with concern.

"Okay, okay, I'll have to talk to him, thanks for the concern." I tell them wanting to not talk about this.

We finish getting our nails then I tell them all about the gift I got and what happened at work and the talk about the people they had to wax and massage and stuff. I could never be masseuse.

After I leave, I decide to call Dillon once more and he finally answers. I ask him about his day and he gives the same answer saying it was great then I ask him what today is.

"It's Monday. You should know." he blandly states.

"I should shouldn't I. I'm coming over." I tell him.

"Okay, bye." he hangs up before I can even say bye back. What has gotten into him. Now that I think about it, he could be cheating on me, I mean, he can can get whoever he wants. I'm not gonna think about it too much.

I go to my place to take a bath and put on some joggers, a grey top, and some grey sandals. When I arrive to his house, it's about 6 and the sun is already setting. It's gorgeous.

When I arrive to his place the sun has already started to set and it's getting dark. I ring the doorbell and no one answers so I just unlock his door and walk in.

"Helloo?" I scan the house and no one is here, I can tell some one is cooking though.

"I'm outside!" I hear Dillon shout.

I walk over to the back door and before I can greet him, he pins me up on the wall and smothers me with kisses.


"Hey! Happy birthday" he says pulling me in to kiss me again. "I got you these." he tells me handing me a bunch a bags. "Come on" he pulls me over to the cabana and sits me down. "Open them." he urges me with anticipation.

I open up the bags and one has a beautiful charm bracelet, a rose gold ring with matching earrings. The other that has a bunch of nice candles. The a gift cards to sephora and Mac with a box of chocolate.

"Well thank you, Dillon" I tell him kissing him. "I thought you forgot."

"You're welcome." he says smiling wide. "I couldn't forget your birthday."

"I love you."

"I love you too." he tells me scratching the back of his neck. "I made you some coconut-grahm cracker-chocolate-vanilla-cake-pastry thing, come and try it."

He tells me dragging me into the kitchen. He pulls it out and it looks pretty good. He hands me a plate and I try it and it's delicious.

"Mmmm. It's great. It's delicious. Thank you."


We go back out to the cabana and just relax and talk about our day. He really made my day. I'm so glad he didn't forget my birthday.

"I'm sorry baby, it's getting late and i've got to get back to work." he tells me disappointed.

"Awe it's okay. Goodbye. Thank you again." I tell him giving him a hug.

"You're welcome. Goodbye."

I kiss him goodbye and make my way home. When I get home it's 10 now. I go to change and brush my teeth. While I'm brushing my teeth, I hear a strange noise in my room but ignore it. I put on my robe then head out to the room.

Chocolate And Vanilla Swirl (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now