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"Hey, Miku. I need to ask you something." Kaito squeezed my hand with his left and put his free hand into the pocket of the oversized white coat he always wore.

"Hmm?" We stopped walking. We were standing outside my house, a warm glow from the windows illuminating the contours of his face in the dim autumn light.

He pulled out a tiny black box from his pocket. He snapped it open quickly, revealing a small silver ring embedded with some form of blue gem. It seemed to be like Tigers Eye, with the way it reflected light in a strange, almost striped pattern.

"Will you marry me?"

I smiled, and saying nothing I opened the door to my house. I knew my parents were out, so I motioned for him to come in.

The smile on his face dissapeared and he put the box back into his pocket. "I'll take that as a no then."

"Of course not. I just need to think about it. We're still in school, and we've only been going out for a year."

"Right." The muscles in his face relaxed as he walked into the warmth of the house. Compared to outside, it seemed to be like the house was on fire. There was even a slight smell of smoke to accompany it, probably from my Mums' smoking habits which she has been trying to break out of for the past decade or so.

"Go and sit down, and I'll get us a hot chocolate or something." I said, removing the tan-coloured padded jacket I was wearing. Kaito removed his scarf, and with a quick "Okay," he went through to the living room.

I smiled slightly, and walked through into the kitchen.

It was on fire.

I held back a scream as I watched the wooden countertops being eaten away by the flames. I ran to the sink and started running the cold tap.

"Miku, I can smell burning. Are you okay in there?"

"Yeah," I coughed. "The kitchen is kind of on—-


My eyes were closed. I opened them.

Around me there seemed to be nothing apart from blackness. Who was I? I tried to remember. Miku. That was what my memory told me. I could only remember one thing. There was fire, some guy with blue hair and an engagement ring.

Hatsune Miku, Sector #62161729, biggest fear: being cheated on.

A low feminine voice echoed through my head. Hatsune? Sector?

Fight sequence will initiate at 0545 hours. Current time: 0520.

A male voice this time. What was happening? Fight sequence?

I started to panic. "Is anybody here?" I yelled, hoping for some sort of response. I heard a slight clicking noise, then the male voice returned.


"Yes! Where am I? What's happening?"

To simply put it, you are dead.

"But after death comes nothing! Nothing has been proven!"

Then this is nothing. Oblivion.

"What am I fighting?"

Whatever your biggest fear is. If you lose, it happens. If you win, you get to live a carefree death.

"How do I win?"

You don't.

Forbidden (A Vocaloid Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora