Not enough time to entertain an enemy.

"You don't allow defeat easily, do you?" That merciless look is on now, creeping his eyes from dawn to dusk like a creature of the night. A bloodsucker. He leans over the table, jaw clenched, teeth gritted. "You're the reason why she's dead so it's only natural that you paid for it. Don't you think so? You put her in the fridge, Mia, and they're gonna bury her tomorrow."

"You're the murderer here, you asshole!" I boom.

How dare he speak about Anne to me! I hate it.

He erupts into a mirthful laugh before replying, "Murder her? Me? Do you have proof?"

Of course it's him. Motherfucker! A tight quiver runs through my stomach that I may want to throw up anytime now.

"It's always the guilty ones who respond like that! Why did you do that to her?" Even if Anne and I weren't bosom buddies at the end, she's still someone I hold sentiments for. I don't wish to see in a coffin, pale and cold. "Because you thought she'd expose you if they catch her? Is that it?" My eyes burn in faint tears.

"I'd call you smart but you're just nosy! I'm here to warn you to stay out of my business if you don't want to follow her footsteps!" he growls without compassion in his voice.

Yeah I ought to be scared, but I'm adamantly not afraid of him.

I'm his dad's trophy. Children don't play with a King's crown, even if they're inherently entitled. I've learned to understand my immunity against him, but I know my limits too, as far as my current relationship with Patrick is concerned.

He's no longer my shield if he was ready to send me to prison.

"You killed her and you expected me to pay for it?" I stifle a laugh, caring so little about his blood shot eyes smeared with anger. "Well, newsflash. Here I am, Derek. A free woman. And for your information, I'm not Anne Scott who dances to your tunes in exchange for a few pennies and dick pleasure. You started a war with me so don't expect me to retreat while you attack in the back! Bloody coward!"

His eyes harden. "Stop snooping around my business, Mia, or else you'll be sorry. I won't give a fuck that you're my dad's little woman if you dare mess with my affairs—you hear me?"

"Then back off mine first!" I bolt up from my seat and bang my hands on the table, tired of his plaguy threats. "I know all about your involvement with Anne and how you two enjoyed ruining my business! But I'm warning you now. If anything happens to me or to my company, I'm gonna take you all down with me. Even if it's in my grave. I'll destroy each one of you and it'll be in one big blow that you'll never forget!"

The vein of his neck stiffens and roughly he loosens his necktie, eyes on me. "What are you talking about?" he demands sternly, red alarm in his eyes.

Before I respond my phone buzzes. I disregard his curiously inquisitive eyes by grabbing my mobile. It's Luca. I frown and answer at the same time.

"You good, little Madam? Do you need me over?" he asks desperately.

"I'm good." My eyes are still on Derek's, whose patience is running thin as he's now up to his feet gazing levelly at me. "Don't worry. I got this." I hang up.

So he's around keeping tabs. Red, you bastard! I mentally huff.

"What can you possibly do to take us down, huh?" He seems amused, but I can see a weaver of confidence through his eyes.

"Try me and you'll see." I don't miss a single blink of his sharp eyes. "If you want me off your neck, then leave me alone! You do know who has much to lose between us, don't you? I don't think you're ready to see the great Kingston empire crumble to pieces when the whole world knows about your shadiness!"

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