The Boys

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"I mean no matter what I like my career." I hummed as we carried the bags towards the house. "Yeah I feel the same." Blarg replied holding a cardboard box full of alcohol. I opened the door with my free hand letting Blarg enter before me. 

"Dooo I swear I'm gonna stick this hot rod up your ass!" A voice yelled as we placed the bags on the floor near the entrance. "I clenched my cheeks so fucking hard" another voice screamed. Blarg and I let out silent laughter walking toward the living room. The boys were sat on the couch a game of Mario kart playing on the screen. Blarg and I walked toward the couch. Blarg taking a seat on the very edge and me placing myself on his lap.

The boys still haven't even noticed us too invested in the game. I decided to fully snuggle into Blarg as he wrapped his hands around my waist. "How long til they notice us" Blarg whisper softly into my right ear. I smiled and leaned up closer to his ear. "Probably the end of the round" I hummed as I snuggled deeper into Blarg.

"Grizzy I'm coming for that little ass" the southern sounding guy who I guess is Soup yelled. "Ayyooo stay the fuck away. Back up this ass ain't free." Grizzy replied. "I fucking hate Rainbow Road" McNasty yelled. "Well your the one who picked fucking star cup. I wanted the mushroom one." Lover Boy yelled. "Ain't nobody being a bitch baby!" McNasty yelled in response. "Don't go breaking the Tv now" Soup hummed. "How'd I get last" Grizzy gasped.

"Holy Shit!" Dooo gasped as he looked in our direction. "What?" Grizzy panicked looking over in our direction. "When did you guys get here?" McNasty questioned. "About start of last round. You guys were having fun so we got comfortable." I hummed.

"Well shit, get comfortable over here" Soup grinned. "Yeah baby I gotta spot over here for you." McNasty said patting his lap. "We brought alcohol ya know" I spoke deciding to ignore their pleading.

"What kind?" Grizzy asked. "I know your ass didn't just say what kind. You literally turned 21 last month." Dooo exclaimed. "What so I can't be curious" Grizzy defended.

We all laughed. I stood up off Blarg's lap and walked to Dooo. I plopped off on his lap looking into his pretty eyes.

"Nice to put a face to the name lover boy" I smiled at him. He blushed red. "You bring that guitar?" I asked.

"Y-yeah" he stuttered and I nodded satisfied.

"Dooo's finally getting some." Soup hummed while Blarg was pouting from where he sat.

I switched on over to Grizzly's lap. He placed his arms round my waist keeping me close.

"I was right you are really good at cuddling." I said snuggling into him. "Oh and is that some new muscle"  I grinned squeezing his biceps.

"I've been working out a bit." Griz replied.

"I can help you workout more" I flirted batting my lashes before letting out a laugh. The boys followed suit.

I pulled myself off Grizzy making my way towards Soup. I sat in his lap and grasped a strand of his hair between my fingers. "Isn't this difficult to maintain on tour?" I asked as Soups arms circled my waist. "You know my band?" He asked.

"Yeah. You played at a bar my friend and I was hanging at. We didn't stay for long but I really digged the music."

Soup raised his brow in surprise and I just grinned at him. My hands made it's way into his golden locks once more. It was soft like it was freshly washed.


My gaze drifted towards McNasty who was impatiently beckoning me towards him. I grinned at him through half lidded lashes cuddling deeper into Soup. His gaze held fire as he continued to look at me with an unsaid but burning command to pay attention to him.

I decided to wait it out a bit longer. Soup's arms loosened around me as I kept my stare with McNasty.

"You best go over there doll before he decides to do more than eye fuck ya" Soup suggested as I melted away from his touch.

"Ya'll want drinks." Grizzy yelled breaking the tension. He had somehow slipped into the doorway holding the crate full of alcohol.

"Pass me a white claw please?" I asked making my way towards McNasty. He kept his gaze on me as he asked Grizzy for a shot of Patron. I licked my lips as McNasty pulled me completely onto his lap.

Grizzy brought a tray of shots handing one off to McNasty and giving me the can of White Claw. It was warm as i cracked the lid. McNasty placed a kiss to the back of my head before raising his shot.

"To the Goons and this sexy ass lady" he chimed.

We raised our drinks in unison before downing them. Although I didn't like how warm the drink was the sweetness of it burning on my tongue had me downing the can like a shot.

I'm a be honest I've been sitting on this chapter since the last update because I wanted it to be up to my usual par. As much as you guys love reading this I do too and I try to post chapters that leave me wanting to read the rest of the book so I hope you guys like this.

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