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'Got one! Draco, help a little!' Theo said, grinning as he pushed one of the students against the ground. Umbridge went in her office a few minutes ago, to find Harry and Hermione there using her fire. Few weeks ago, she got a tip of a student meeting in a room called the Room of Requirement, which was Harry's group, the "thing" he had to do once in two weeks. She send us Inquisitorial Squad to go get them, and she practically forced Dumbledore to leave Hogwarts. Somehow, this time Umbridge knew the other students had also to do with this.

I grabbed one of the girls arms, Theo grabbing the other, and together we lifted her of the ground and turned her around to face us. It was Loony Lovegood, one of Harry's closest friends. Theo and I dragged her to Umbridge's office, and my heart dropped at what I saw. 'Good job, Draco and Theodore,' Umbridge said, smiling her sweet, fake smile. Harry sat in a chair in the middle of the office, Ron, Hermione, Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley standing around him, being held back by the other Iquisitorial Squad members.

Umbridge bent over, her face close to Harry's, who was looking angry and disgusted. That was also clear when he opened his mouth. 'Do you mind backing off a little, Professor Umbitch?' Her eyes widened, but yet she still backed off. 'Could you tell me why you were using my floo network? Were you, by any chance, trying to contact Dumbledore?' Harry smiled. 'Yes. Yes I was. I was about to tell him his weapon was done and ready for use. Her eyes widened even further, but I could tell he was lying. His voice slightly shook and there was terror in his eyes

'What kind of weapon?' 'How about we just bring you there?' Umbridge smiled. 'Very well. Iquisitorial Squad-' 'What a shame. Professor Umbridge has to be assisted by a bunch of teenagers on her walk to a weapon.' Umbridge shot Harry a poisonous look and slapped him hard on his cheek. He just smiled at her. 'Inquisitorial Squad, good job. Now, go to bed.' I had no choice but to leave with my fellow Slytherins.


I walked up the stairs off the Astronomy Tower. It was 5'0 clock in the morning, but I hoped Harry would be there. And he was, but not in the way I expected. He sat on the ground, knees pushed up against his chest and he was sobbing with his head in the gap between his arms and his knees. I sat down beside him and started rubbing his back, causing him to jump.

'Merlin, love. You scared me.' 'Sorry. Why are you crying?' 'Sirius is dead.' He broke down in sobs again. I wrapped my arms around his back, muttering comfort in his ear. After a while, he slightly calmed down. 'Can you tell me what happened?' He looked up, looking with his emerald eyes in my boring grey ones. 'Your eyes are beautiful,' he said, as if he could read my mind. I could feel a blush creeping its way onto my cheeks. 'What happened?' I asked again.

'Those lessons with Snape were Occlumency lessons. Voldemort was invading my mind and showing me things in my sleep. He showed me an image of him torturing Sirius at the Ministry, so Hermione and me used Umbitch's fire to check if he was home. His house elf said he wasn't, and then Umbitch came in. Hagrid has been keeping a giant in the Forbidden Forest, and we brought Umbitch there with the lie of the weapon. Neville, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Luna and me went to the Ministry, flying on the back of the Thestrals. When we were there, they all got attacked by the Death Eaters, yes, your father was there too. Sirius wasn't there, but he and some other people had to come and save me and the others. Bellatrix Lestrange shot the killing curse at him, and he died. We all managed to escape, except for him. Voldemort was also there, and he and Dumbledore fought. Now we're all back here, Luna, Nev, Ron, Herm and Gin are all in the Hospital wing.'

'Oh. Oh, Harry.' I hugged him tighter and he placed a kiss on the tip of my nose. 'Can I ask something?' 'Of course you can, love.' 'Why do you call Umbridge "Umbitch"?' He chuckled. 'Well, she's a bitch, isn't she? And because of this.' He showed me the back of his hand. 'Really, Harry? "I must not tell lies"?' He shrugged. 'She forced me to write in in my hand with a blood quill.' 'Okay, she's Umbitch.' We both burst out in laughter. 'Can't believe tomorrow is the last day before summer...' 'Draco? Promise me something?' I looked at him in surprise. He had to be serious, he never called me Draco anymore. I nodded. 'Be careful. And if something is wrong, tell me?' I nodded, knowing he was talking about me getting the Dark Mark.

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