My first lie

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"Hey, what was the first lie you've told anybody?", Luffy asked while stuffing food in his mouth. Everybody looked at him interested. Well, he was known for his lying but they wanted to know what his first lie was.

Usopp was silent. He was to focus on his own thoughts that he forgot about them. That was before he felt a punch on his head.

"What the hell was that for!", Usopp shouted only the see a Zoro glaring at him. "The captain asked you something. What was the first lie you've told?" "Why would you want to know?", he asked annoyed while rubbing his head. "Just tell us it's not that hard.", Sanji said while taking a cigarette. "I can't remember I've told many lies after my first lie", he lied to them. He was a good liar, but his crew noticed that something was wrong. 

"What is the problem with telling us? We know you lying!", Nami said not understanding why he would lie to them, after all, they had been through. "Well, maybe it's just a bit too personal to tell you right now and you wouldn't understand it. So leave it be.", Ussop said getting pissed off. "Maybe if you tell us you feel better perhaps. It could help you to feel more comfortable.", Brook said in his unusually calm voice. "The only ones who make me feel uncomfortable right now are you guys. I'm going to my factory. Please do not come in.", Ussop said and left the kitchen.

They all sat there surprised. They didn't understand why Ussop would react like that. He would usually tell them without problems. "I think we made longnose feel uncomfortable.", Robin said in her usually calm voice. "He had no reason to feel uncomfortable. It's not like we would laugh at him.", Zoro said. "Well, aren't we all feel uncomfortable by telling some things about us even if we know the crew wouldn't laugh at us?", Robin smiled at Zoro. Zoro looked away knowing she was right. Maybe they crossed the line. They should've known that Ussop wouldn't lie if he weren't uncomfortable. 

Luffy stand up and went to the door. "Whatcha doing captain?", Franky asked the captain of the ship. "I'm going to Ussop." Luffy told them without care. "But L-Luffy! Ussop told us to leave him alone. We should give him free space." Chooper said in his doctor voice. "Our doctor is right. We should give him time. We all know Ussop. There is something he doesn't fear most of us fear. He is not afraid to ask for help. If he is ready he will come to us." Robin said while ignoring the dancing Chooper saying he wouldn't liked it them saying he is their doctor. Luffy bit his inner cheek: "Fine, but if he doesn't come today. We will confront him. It's an order from the captain." "Ay Ay Captain!", they said simultaneity.

Ussop said in his factory working on new weapons for his Kuro Kabuto. He felt bad about shouting at them. He knew they didn't meant bad but his first lie was something he told everyone until now. He told even his crew this lie and everybody believed him. He wanted to tell them the truth but he was scared...scared they would call them insults he got called he told someone the truth. The only one who know the truth were...himself? He didn't know. He lied to himself that this lie has to be true but he knew deep in his heart that it always would remain a lie.

Hours passed and the day was almost over. He forgot about dinner, which wasn't very good with Sanji as the cook. But he didn't complain. He wasn't the one who almost starved to death. When the sun was going down he opened the door and the first thing he saw was his crew staying in front of his door probably wanting to knock before he opened the door.

"Oh, hello guys. Do you need anything?", he said much calmer than this morning. " didn't come for dinner. I was worried.", Sanji said a little angry but not to much because he knew it wouldn't help. "Hehe, I'm sorry, Sanji. I was so busy with working on my new weapons that I got lost on time." "Are you going to eat now?", Sanji asked, but Ussop knew he wouldn't accept a no. "Well, it depends on. Are you sure Luffy ate all of it?", Ussop said while laughing slightly. "Hey...I would never do that...I'm always sharing my food!", said Luffy. It was silent before everyone were starting to laugh. "Yeah yeah right. I'm going to the kitchen.", said Ussop while going to the kitchen.

The crew went to the kitchen with Ussop while Ussop was eating the were talking, but Ussop knew something was off. He finished dinner and thanked Sanji for the food. "So...I guess you really want to know my first lie?", said the liar knowing he was right. Then it was silent. They stopped talking. "Yes, we really want to know and we hopped you would tell us on you own. I don't want to force you, but you know one day you have to tell us.", Luffy said in his serious voice he didn't use often. "I guess your right..., but first I want to apologize to for snapping like that I didn't mean it. "No worries. We know that.", Nami said while smiling gently. 

Ussop: " first lie...I hold it since I was a little kid more precisely six years old. It was the time when my father left..."

Luffy: "Oh yeah, Yassop! He is the sniper of shanks crew. It makes sense because they were one year in this island and I met them nearly the end when I was seven!"

Ussop: "Yeah...s-so my first lie is that...that I'm proud of him because I ain't!"

The crew stared at him with shock. The guy who always talked about how proud he were that Yassop was his father and that he always wanted to meet him.

Ussop continued: "I hate myself for that but I just can't be proud of or LOVE him. I-I mean he left me and my mother and two years later my mom died I was so alone, you know? The reason I lied was because of mother she was proud of him and I wanted to make her proud, but then when sehe died she told me to follow my my father. That's why I lied always about I felt about him. I-I...GODDAMN I HATE HIM! I just hate him so much for leaving me. Why did he create me if he would leave! The worse is that he probably  doesn't even know that his wife died. I don't know nothing about and he doesn't know nothing about me! I-I respect him as a sniper and damn he is a good one but I will never see him as a father!...Never..."

The crew starred at him in silent. "I-I sorry that I lied to you. I was scared...I never told someone. I tried to make this lie the truth but I can't. The moment I think of him I feel disappointed, sad and furious."

Chooper ran to him and hugged him tightly: "Don't be sorry for how you feel. I would feel the same too."

Now it was Ussop who was in shook as the others agreed. They all hugged him with love and care that he couldn't hold his tears anymore. He thanked them very often saying that they wer the best.

The crew smiled. Yeah maybe they were surprised first but they weren't mad at could they?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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