Part 2: A sequence of unusual events

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"I'm not retiring, Kocho." He resumed his total concentration breathing and leaned forward, brushing Shinobu's hand off with his intact arm.
"Giyuu, lay back down please." she said, mildly annoyed with his stubbornness. He persisted, and with a shot of pain in his entire body, he swung his legs to the other side from her and stood.
"Giyuu, you are not ready to walk around. You need to rest, and I, as the medical professional, am not allowing you to continue working as a slayer."

She isn't Allowing me to continue to work as a slayer? What gives her the choice to dictate whether I continue? Why is she so concerned in this matter? Giyuu thought. She reached for his shoulder, but he grabbed her arm before she could touch him.
"Kocho..." He said, staring out the window.
"I'm perfectly capable of walking. And I'm confident I can still fight demons." He said, his jaw tensed as he lied. He didn't know if he could fight demons like this, he just hoped she wasn't paying attention. Dropping her hand and reaching for his belongings, which were all strewn about the nightstand, the man hooked his belt tightly and fastened his sword to it. Shinobu sighed, and stood between him and the door.

This man would be the death of himself, already trying to get up and about a couple of weeks after losing an entire limb, breaking several bones and losing lots of blood.
"I'm normally against forcing my patients to stay here, but I can't just let you leave this room knowing full well the loss of balance, several broken bones, not to mention the-" The man quickly darted past her. She chased him down the hallway as he -As she predicted- struggled to maintain his balance without an entire limb.
"Tomioka!" She shouted as he ran around a corner into a young girl. Aoi slammed into the water hashira and fell backwards, rubbing her forehead as she said something.
"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" She said, staring at him. Shinobu caught him but there wasn't much she could do besides calling on some other slayers to help her pin him down. He was dead set on leaving and she could either accept that, or deal with his antics for the next few weeks while he recovered.
"Okay, Tomioka. If you stay in bed for the next week, and if your vitals are doing acceptable, I will postpone sending that letter. After and during that week, however, you will be training and doing rehabilitation with the other slayers. Mainly the ones that seem to like you." Aoi sat on the floor watching these two for a while, as it was quite interesting see somebody get Shinobu this annoyed with such an emotionless face.
Shinobu sighed with disappointment as Giyuu followed her back to the room, aware that even in this mostly recovered state any training may destroy his stitches, but he was going to do it anyway.

 As soon as Giyuu woke up the next day, he sent Kanzaburou to look for the woman who eventually agreed to let him train. The pair stepped out into the courtyard where Kanao, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke were training.
"Giyuu-san!" Tanjiro shouted, momentarily distracted from his sparring, causing Kanao to land a firm sword strike on his midsection with the wooden blade. Giyuu waved to the boy, and walked to the rack of different-sized wooden swords.
"Are you sure you are willing to do this? If you fight too hard, your stitches may pop out." Shinobu said. She had been oddly concerned the whole time, and he couldn't exactly pin down why. He expected a small amount of worry as they were coworkers, but she seemed overly caring.

"Kami help me if you make me put anymore stitches in you I will do it while you are awake." 

There it is.

As the man stepped out into the field, he signaled to wave Tanjiro over and after a brief exchange and some smiling from the younger boy, he backed away.
"No, no, I'm quite alright. I believe someone else might be interested in training against you?" He said cautiously. One-armed or not, he still didn't want to fight Giyuu in a 1 on 1.
"OH! ME! ME!" Inosuke chanted, raising one of his two wooden swords. He stepped up to Giyuu, staring up at the hashira's eyes with anger and joy emanating from his body in waves. The young slayer swung a sword at Giyuu's side, but he blocked with his own, redirecting Inosukes' into the ground and planting a sudden kick to the boy's midsection. Giyuu stumbled backwards, still nowhere near familiar to the new balancing situation. Inosuke leapt at the man, swinging both swords seemingly at random, with Giyuu dodging or blocking every strike with relative ease being that he was still adjusting. They locked swords for a moment, but Inosuke swung his other sword at the man's head causing him to duck and sweep the legs of his opponent. As soon as Inosuke hit the ground, Giyuu pointed his sword at the boy. After a brief moment of analyzation and another brief moment of silence, Inosuke called out,
"MONJIRO, QUIET GIRL!" To this Giyuu raised an eyebrow and jumped backwards, finding that Kanao and Tanjiro had just swung where he had been moments before. He landed roughly, having accidentally leaned too far to his right but stood tall, sword raised as they helped Inosuke to his feet. The three slayers nodded to each other before running at Giyuu, unleashing techniques as they tried but failed to land anything on him. Shinobu shook her head with a smirk slightly creeping over her face, and walked back into the mansion to continue her work.

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