The scar knows best

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So, you know who was out there tonight? Hermione asked us. If he was he was too weak to do anything. Besides that means he's feeding off the unicorns. Don't you see we were wrong, Snape doesn't want the stone for himself he wants it for he who shall not be named. After we were done with Hagrid, we went back and we all but Jack and I gathered near the fire. Harry stop passing, and sit down, relax, everything is gonna be fine.

But he doesn't listen to me. With the elixir of life he can be made strong again, he'll come back. If he was strong enough do you think he'd come back and try to kill you guys again? Ron asked us. Harry passed over near to my side to hug me, holding me close as he answered Ron's question. I think.... If he'd had the chance to, he would've tried to kill us tonight. Who said he wouldn't had, he was coming right at us, I used my powers to back him away.

If he comes back, I'll protect you, not just as your protector but also as your big sister. Harry, you're all I have left. I lean my head on his shoulder, and he wraps an arm around me and rubs my arm. The next day, we all are walking around outside, discussing our exams and finals. Hermione was talking about how she actually likes finals and exams and mine and Harry's scar started acting up. Ow! I cry out.

I know Snow I feel it too. He said rubbing his own scar. I'm telling you guys the scar knows. I wish it wasn't so painful. Maybe you guys should just go to the nurse. I think, it must be a warning of danger. Harry, Hagrid! I yell out. We all run off towards Hagrid's hut. What's the matter? Think about, Hagrid keeps saying he's always wanted a dragon and he finally gets the chance to get one, how many people go around carrying a dragon egg in their pocket?

Hagrid, who was the guy that gave you the egg, what did he look like? IDK, I never saw his face his hood was up the entire time. You must've talked to him didn't you? He asked me what kind of creatures I looked after and I told him about Fluffy and I told him dragon's wouldn't be a problem. Did he seem interested in Fluffy? Of course he was, it's not everyday you run into a 3 headed dog like Fluffy, you play him a little bit of music and he falls asleep. Probably shouldn't had told you that.

We all *gasp* in worry and shock, and run off. Where are you going? Where are you going?! He calls after us. Wait! We run off McGonagall's office, and ask her were Dumbledore is, she says he wasn't here, we tell her we need to speak to him about the Sorcerer's Stone. She *gasps* wondering how we even know about it. And we tell her we believe someone is going to steal it. She reassures us that the stone is being kept perfectly safe and sound.

When we walk off in the direction of the dorms again, we come to the conclusion that Snape was the hidden figure, and knows how to get passed Fluffy. And soon Snape comes up behind us. What are you all doing inside on a day like today? You should all be careful, or people will that you're up to something. Then he walks away. Now what? Now, tonight we go down the trap door.

With Dumbledore gone, who knows who's all really up to what everyone says that they are. Great, not that I can sleep anyways. So that's great for me. What time. The later the better, that way everyone's asleep already. Good plan, now for now, let's make our way to bed. Yeah, might as well get a couple hours of sleep in. You guys sleep, I'll be practicing my magic. Hermione, I've got something for you in my room, Jack I can make you one, but you'll need to get the items for me.

For what? I made me and the boys and Hermione, all good dream spells. It works on everyone so far except for me. Why that's very kind of you. Don't mention it. I'll write down that list of items for you. Don't you have like a cell phone? No, not really. Either of you? Or some kind of magic phone? No, I'm afraid not. Interesting. Well I know what I'm doing tonight before tonight's activity. Mind if I barrow a cloak. Here, go ahead. Thanks. No problem see you in a little bit.

Yes, yes you will. Goodbye Jackson Wood. Later Potter's and friends. Well, what now? Now we wait. Do try to get a little bit of sleep tonight, ok Jade? Yeah, you do that, call me what you will, you know I answer to just about everything. Do you prefer one or the other? No, not really. Either name works. It's not like you use my actual name very much, but I'll answer to all of it. Good to know I guess, well IDK about you, but I'm gonna get a little bit of sleep, before this goes down.

Goodnight Harry. Goodnight Ron, Goodnight Hermione. Bye, see you all in a little bit. Bye, I wave out to her. Meanwhile not only is Jack sneaking around getting the ingredients for me, he's also ordering a phone for myself and Harry, the magic kind. It will deliver in the morning since the mail is closed tonight.

To: Potter's
Hello, gift for you. I'm sensing you don't have all the technology that you seek, you've never had the opportunity to just be kids, this is my gift from me to you. Magic cell phones, the power is in your hands, the sky is the limit. Sincerely....

Well, that's done, and its getting late already, they'll get them in the morning, time to head back. *knock, knock* Come in. Here's your cloak and your items, do with them as you wish. Great. And, just a little bit more, and done. Here you are Jack Wood. One good dream spell, at your service. Keep it by your bed every night and you will surly have good dreams. I'd hurry if I were you, go put it away now, and come right back. Hermione and Jack return back.

Everyone's here, great. Ron, Harry wake up, we've got a mission to go on. How many people can you fit under there? As many as you need. Harry, you Hermione and Ron share yours, I'll share mine with Jack. And now these I say, flicking my hand, creating handcuffs.... Are magic handcuffs. Harry give me your wrist. Why? Because we can all be together and not lose each other. If I do the spell correctly, which I will, you can grow and shrink the chains and make them invisible watch.

Great, let's get a move on, we have to be done with this before the sun comes up. It won't take us that long. Let's go, quickly.

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