Now Or Never

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The shining rays of the sun woke you up from your deep slumber on the mattress, you turned to your side, expecting a pillow standing by so it could help you cover your face from the light but instead, you were greeted by a warm body snuggling beside you which made you furrow your brows in curiosity.

You closed your eyes with a deep sigh before forcing your heavy eyelids to open and that's where you saw a sleeping blonde, beautiful as ever which made you instinctively smile to see how peaceful she looked even if she was unconscious.

Even though you don't know what she was doing here, you took your time in admiring her natural beauty.

Her freckles were visible because she didn't have any makeup on, her nose scrunching up regularly as the air made her feel a little itchy, her slightly parted lips were snoring with cute little sounds, her closed eyes were the only ones who should feel left out because, behind those closed skin, two forest green eyes can be tempting in so many ways, both safe and dangerous ways.

Dangerous in another way, not the harmful one, if you know what I mean.

Wink wink.


You slowly removed the thick duvet that covered your petite frame only to see that you were still on the clothes that you wore yesterday; black drawstring pants, and a baggy white plain hoodie.

It may seem that you have boring taste in fashion, but just wait until you got dressed up, honey.

Just so you wait.

But that's for the future chapters since the author still has so many ideas to even rush on going there.

School crap, you know?

So yeah.

As I was saying, after removing the covers, you sat up at a normal speed, but only to regret it once your head started spinning too much which made you feel groggy and clutch your head in pain.

"Damn it." You cursed yourself silently for drinking too much alcohol last night.

Last night.


You remembered the events last night.

You made Natasha stay, and you even begged, for Christ's sake!

Note to self: Never drink that Asgardian alcohol again.

It was sure as hell embarrassing but your spinning head then again entered the picture and decided to torment you once more which made you sigh and look around the room you were in.

This time, unlike yesterday; the room was all white, there was one door on the left corner which you assumed was the bathroom, a large television at the center of the room, and a little divider underneath it, there was also a mini-fridge on the bar section of the room, a coffee table and lastly, the king-size bed, where you were positioned right now.

Oh, wait, there were also two lamp tables on either side of the bed, the one on your side has a bottle of aspirin, along with a glass of water which you figured was from the still-sleeping blonde beside you.

Usually, before, Scarlett always wakes up first whenever you got drunk since she always insists on taking care of you but then again, she isn't Scarlett.

You figured Natasha and Scarlett are different in some ways.

Natasha sleeps in with you after your drunken nights but made sure that you get what you need in the morning whilst with Scarlett, she wanted to serve you like a damn queen.

They are like the same, but at the same time, not the same.

So, after drinking the medicine, you slowly stood up, not wanting to wake up Natasha since she looked really tired and you certainly don't have the heart to wake up her when she seems peaceful like that so you didn't.

Trying to balance yourself with each step, you managed to leave the room without interrupting the deep slumbering Natasha on the bed.

You wandered around and you realized that you were on Natasha's floor level which was the 32nd one so you used the elevator at the end of the hallway to go down the kitchen when you heard your stomach make some grumbling noises, indicating for you to eat your breakfast now.

You surprisingly rode the elevator alone.

You knew how many people are there but then you were still grateful that you had your moment of peace since you knew that if you heard some loud noises, your head could make an abnormal whirl that could cause you a lot of pain.

Eventually, you reached the kitchen where you heard familiar voices which made you speed up your pace to see your friends.

"Morning." You groaned with weary eyes, bags underneath your eyes, "What's for breakfast?"

"I made Chicken Paprikash." Wanda beamed, standing from her seat, beside the red... person or thing, to serve you the food that she proudly cooked, "His name is Vision, and stop looking at him like that."

"I was just curious, sorry." You pouted before flashing him a smile, "Hello, Vision."

"He's a robot." Yelena chimed in after shoving the last spoon of her food, she sat beside Kate who have her eyes closed, "Kate's not feeling well, we better go."

"Sure." You and Wanda nodded, "Get well."

"Thank you," Kate muttered with a small smile on the corner of her lips before she got carried by her girlfriend up to their room.

"Can I have two bowls, please?" You asked Wanda who agreed, "It's for Natasha."

You don't know why, but you just care about her so much which made you curse yourself for doing so.

I mean, sure, you're a very caring person, especially for those people whom you treasure the most, but the care you have for her is different.

It's deeper than it should be and you felt like you were cheating on Scarlett.

And you prayed to the heavens that what you were feeling right now could give you happiness in the end because if not, why not die right now?


You then saw Wanda start plating the food on the tray, alongside the coffees and water before handing them to you with a smile.

"There you go, hope you enjoy it!"

~ Timeskip ~

You gently knocked on the door, not wanting to wake Natasha if she was still sleeping or not wanting to interrupt her privacy if she ever wanted to be alone in the room, but when you heard a faint 'come in', you knew you have to prepare yourself.

You breathed deeply and readied yourself before entering the quiet room with a smile where a curious Natasha was still lying on the bed.

You figured she had just woken up since her voice was still sleepy but sexy at the same time.

"Hey," You grinned, placing the tray on the bed which made her sit up with a grateful smile and you swore that you saw she was about to lean into your face but fought about it when she shook her head.

"Hello." Natasha beamed in acknowledgment, "How are you?"

"Good, I guess." You shrugged before letting her take her food. As much as it pains you to imagine what will happen if you do this, you knew you have to, so after a while of silence, you seriously but nervously said,

"Natasha, listen, we have to talk."

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