Chapter 1

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Welcome... I don't know what else to say, sooo. Welcome


3rd person P.O.V. (Also, y'all are in like, 3rd grade 🙃)

"Kenmaaaa, hurry up!" You yelled at Kenma

"I'm trying, y/n. You know I'm not good runner." He replied.

You chuckled to my self, he was alway so cute when he was trying to run. He was never really a big fan of running or track. 

"If we don't hurry up, we'll be late for class," You said.

"Why couldn't your mom just take us there?" He asked.

"Well, first of all, she had to go to work," you started.

"And what else? Y/N, you there?" Kenma asked. You weren't responding.

You stared at the things in front of you, Kenma walked up to you to see the problem. It was a stray cat. Scratch that, they were two. One looked like Kenma in a way, and the other one had H/C fur and E/C eyes.

"Look how cute they both are!!!" You exclaimed.

Kenma didn't say anything for a second. But after two minuets he ran over to them to pet the two cats. 

"Y/N..." he started. "Don't worry, their friendly," he finished, looking back at you, smiling.

You walked over to Kenma and the cats. You didn't want to run over there because you knew you  would scare them. Kenma could run over to any cat and not scare them, he had a things with  cats. You petted them.

"Wow, they remind me of us," you pointed out.

Kenma looked at you confused. He looked at the too cat confused. He then noticed it.

"Yeah, your right. The one on the right looks like me, with brown hair and yellow eyes, a-and they other one looks like you with H/C hair and E/C eyes." He stated.

"Yeah, do you think their best friend like us too," you joked.

"Yeah, i guess," he said smiling at you.

You smiled back. 

"MACARONI IN A POT!" You yelled.

"Whats wrong?" Kenma asked startled by your actions.

"WE FORGOT ABOUT SCHOOL!" You exclaimed.

"SHOOT!" Kenma said, he looked like he was about to faint.

You both ran too school, Kenma was trying to catch up. You grabbed your F/C backpack tightly, not trying to drop it. Kenma was doing the same.

"Shoot, we should have left before," you said.

"Yeah, but it was worth it that we were able to pet those cats." He said, trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, you're right," you admitted.

You both ran even faster than before, trying to get to school. 

After a few minuets, you finally made it to school. You walked into the classroom. As it turns out, you were late, but not as late as you both expected. Your teacher didn't lecture you or get onto you both. You both got into your class and sat in your seat, you sat at the back of the class by the window while Kenma sat two rows away from you. It sucked not sitting by your friend, he's the only one with that. You looked out the window and started to zone out, you started to wonder what life would have been if Kenma wasn't your friend, what if you just was alone with no friends? 'What if?' You said to yourself. 

"Miss L/N, are you paying attention?" You heard someone say. You snapped out of your thoughts and turned from the window to your teacher at the blackboard. 

"Yes mamm," you replied.

"To prove it, answer number 11," she said to you. You looked at the question closely, it was fractions. You hated fraction. (we all do) You didn't want to guess, afraid that you were going to get it wrong and the teacher knew you weren't paying attention. But you also didn't want to just stay silent because she would have still thought the same thing. You looked around the room for help, but no prevail. 

"Ahem," you heard Kenma clear his through. He was trying to give you the answers with his hands. His right hand was holding the number three, and the left was holding the number five. You were confused at first, you you finally understand what he was trying to do. 

"Um, is the answer 3/5ths?" You asked the teacher.

"Why, yes it is, job well done Miss L/N" she praised you with a smile. You sighed and looked at Kenma, smiling at him as a thank you. He gave you a smile back. You looked back at the window, zoning out, waiting for school to be over.


The last bell rang. Finally, school was over, and you mom was now able to pick you up. You walked over to Kenmas seat.

"Finally, schools over," You said to Kenma.

"Finally, now I can go home," Kenma said to you.

"Let me guess, you wanna play games?" You asked him.

"Yep," He said as he looked at you.

"Why don't you bring you games to school?" you asked him.

"Because I don't want to lose them," he answered to you.

"Hmm, makes sense, you really love you games, huh?" You said to him.

"Yep" he replied.

*HoNk HOnk mf*

You jumped back by the loud sound, you looked out the window to see your mom waving at you waiting in her car for you. 

"My moms here, I have to go," You said to Kenma. Kenma had a sour face, he didn't want for you to leave.

"Okay, y/n. Bye," he said.

"Is your mom coming too?" You asked him.

"Yeah, she come later tho," he said to you.

"Oh, okay," you said. "Well, see you tomorrow," you said to Kenma.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," he said. You gave him on last hug before you left. You walked to the door and waved at him goodbye with a smile on your face.

Only of you would be your last

You got into the car, and you saw Kenma wave you goodbye from the window. You waved back, and your mom drove off with you. You smiled to yourself, you had to admit, you had a pretty amazing day. Your mom asked you about your day and started a nice conversation with you. You told her all about the day that you had with Kenma, you told her about the cats that you stoped and petted on the way to school. You mentioned how much you valued kenma as a friend. Once she heard that, she seemed to be down. You were confused at first, but soon didn't care about that.

Only if you knew


Finally, I'm done. And I wrote this in one day, good for me. I forgot to publish yesterday, but ya know. I still did it. So anyway, comment what you think of the book so far, and don't forget to vote, and please like a follow if possible =)

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