He saves you

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You are at a 1D concert in the front row sence your boyfriend is Harry Styles.The part of the concert when they read the tweets the fans send them has come.While they are reading tweets an unfamiliar man comes to you and starts to touch you, you screamd for help but nobady heard you . When he tried to kiss you Harry noticed and jumped of stage and punched the man who fell down while blood coming out of his nose . Harry huged you tight and so did you .Before you new it you were sorounded by security . You were shaking when Harry broke the hug and said "Are you ok ? " "Y-Yes"-you replied .He huged you again and said " Don't worry.. Now I have to finish this concert so you are gonna go back stage with El and stay there until the concert is over ok ? " "OK " - you say while Harry kisses your nose.The next thing you know two security guards are taking you back stage where you found El and you huged and waited together for the concert to end .When it did you went home with Harry and you went to bed together cuddled up . 


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