Chapter 1: The Party

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Elizabeth's (Elle) POV

I sat staring at the vanity mirror. I hardly recognized the girl in the mirror. Becky, my best friend, convinced me to go to a party tonight. I normally always say no, but because it is her last week before getting married I couldn't refuse.

I applied my lip gloss and stared at myself. I never wear makeup, it was never my thing. I had no reason to put on makeup. I only ever went to work and home. Not to mention I never give myself enough time to get ready. Seeing myself with a full face of makeup is strange to me. The winged eyeliner that took me twenty minutes to perfect and the glow of the highlighter. I was shocked at how pretty I look if I put in the effort.

I walked to my closet and looked at the shirts and dresses that were hung. I chose my black peplum crop with a small flare at the bottom which comes to a low v-neck. I then decided to wear my light blue high-waisted shorts. I then grabbed my white sneakers and a pair of socks slipping them onto my feet.

I walked out of my room and grabbed my keys and purse off the small coffee table in front of my couch. I looked at everything in my purse making sure I had everything while I waited for Becky to get here.

When I finally heard the honk outside I jumped up and headed out the door. She sat in the passenger seat and I could see her fiance Jacob on his phone in the driver's seat. I hopped in the backseat and bucked up.

"Are you excited for tonight Elle?" Becky asked in glee.

"Of course" I replied, but it was a lie. When she was talking about her last weekend before marriage I had always thought she met a trip somewhere. Or maybe a spa day. She was never a partier. So, when she said she wanted to go to a party I was shocked, but I agreed.

We continued to chat about where we were going. She said it was a mansion rented out by a group of boys. The party is supposed to be invite-only, we required an invite from her friend Daniel. I am just hoping it's packed rather than just a small house party. I just don't want to walk into a place where I won't be welcomed.

As we pulled up to the open gate I was in shock at how big the house was. The pillars, and the giant doors. Cars parked everywhere in the driveway. I stepped out of the car with Becky, still questioning if this was a good idea.

"Are you ready babe?" Becky asked, looking at the doors.

"As ready as I can be" we walked to the doors and the closer we got the more people we heard yelling and the louder the music got.

Once we got to the door Becky pulled it open and immediately we were engulfed by people. For this being invited only there is an insane amount of people. Everyone is jumping and dancing, with solo cups in hand. Sweaty bodies pushing against everyone.

I had not been expecting so many people. I have already lost Becky in the crazy swarm of people. I started my way through the people trying to find my way to a place a little less crowded. I somehow found my way to the kitchen where beer bottles and solo cups scattered the area. I managed to find a closed bottle of beer sitting on the counter. I grabbed it immediately, popping off the cap. I need a drink to get through the next few hours.

I have never been someone who likes to be around so many people. I need to find a quiet place to ride out this party. I continued to shuffle and push my way through people dancing. I came to a set of stairs and without thinking I ran up them. I was still loud, but nowhere near as bad as downstairs and I was surprised to see no one up there. I continued down a hallway that seemed to go to two bedrooms and a bathroom. I opened the room to the left and ran in and shut the door.

In the back corner was a bed covered with messy black sheets. In the right corner was a standing lap, and then on the side of the room was a black couch and to the left was a couch. The strange thing was the walls were covered in sticky notes, all different colors. I shrugged it off and took a seat on the couch.

I sat there for what felt like hours, just playing on my phone, scratching to keep myself entertained.  At this point, I was already starting to doze off. I finally took my last sip of the beer and threw it into the small trash sitting next to the desk. I walked back to the couch and my eyes slipped shut.

Colby's POV

    Another successful party. It is almost two in the morning and I am ready to go to bed. Half the people are gone and Aaron went to bed a couple of hours ago, as well as Devyn.

    "Hey, guys' ' I say looking at Corey and Sam who are sitting on the couch playing rocket league. " I'm heading to bed, text me when everyone leaves," I say to them, starting to head out of the living room.

    "Will do," Sam said, barely paying attention to anything but the screen.

I ran up the stairs and to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I turned the faucet to warm and sat on the toilet waiting for it to warm up. Once the water was warm I took off my clothes and hopped into the shower embracing the warm water running down my body. Relaxing my body with every droplet. I put some soap on the lofa and rubbed it across my body.

My attempts to get off all the alcohol poured on me from the night were successful. After my body was clean I poured some shampoo into my hand inspecting it for any dye the roommates would use to ruin my hair. I then put it into my hair. Getting all the dirt out.

I rinsed off and stepped out, getting the towel from the wrack and rubbing my hair then wrapping it around my body. I opened the door to the bathroom releasing all the steam. I turned to the left and opened my bedroom door and walked in shutting the door.

I jumped almost immediately. There is a girl on my couch passed out. Her long blonde hair lay against her shoulder and the arm of the couch. Her skin is a flawless cream. Her lips looked soft and slightly plump. Her curvy body was half laying down. She is gorgeous.

I rushed to put on a pair of boxers and night pants in case she woke up. I threw my towel in the basket and plugged in my phone. I sat on my bed and looked at her. That could not be comfortable and she looked cold. Her shorts allowed me to see her legs that were balled up. I don't want to wake her up, but I also don't want to leave her there.

I walked over and put my arm around her shoulder and under her legs. I lifted her over to my bed and laid her by the wall and slipped the sheet and comforter over her body. She snuggled in the pillow and looked like she was more comfortable. I lay down next to her and got comfortable ready to go to bed. She is so pretty. I have never seen such a gorgeous girl. With that, my eyes dropped close, and sleep overtook me.

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