Chapter 2: The Text

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Elizabeth's (Elle) POV

As I start to wake I feel something soft. My bed is nowhere near as soft. However, my head is against something hard. The smell of the room is one I'm not familiar with. I opened my eyes and everything from yesterday came back to me. The party, the people, and the room.

I then looked down and noticed that the hard thing my head is resting on is not a thing at all, it was a man. I am laying on a half-naked man. There is no way we did anything. I would know, right? I pulled the cover off my body, I was still wearing the clothes from last night, that's a good sign.

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket, turning it on. There were over ten missed calls and a bunch of messages from Becky and Jacob trying to find me. I looked at the time to see that it was 11 Am. I text Becky back telling her that I am fine and that I just fell asleep at the party.

I look at the man that I am still laying on. He is so handsome. His messy dark brown hair resting on his forehead and soft perfect skin made me blush. I pulled the sheets off of me doing my best to not wake the strange man. I pushed myself to the end of the bed and tried to not hit him as I moved over him.

"Hey, where are you going?" the man said. His voice was probably the most attractive voice I have ever heard.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you".

"No worries, I was waiting for you to wake up," he says while he sits up so his back against the headboard. He ran a hand through his hair.

I stood awkwardly, both of us staring at each other. I am too scared to talk. I didn't mean to stay the night here. I just wanted to get away from all of the people and the noise.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to stay the night. I am sorry" However I don't think an apology would make this better. I mean how does one just get over a random stranger sleeping in your room.

"Don't even worry about it. When I came in here and saw you sleeping on the couch I just figured you were uncomfortable so I moved you, I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable"

"No, thank you for that, what is your name?" I asked.

"My name is Colby, do I get a name?" He smiled at me showing his perfect white teeth. I had to force myself to not blush, but I know he could see my cheeks turning pink.

"My name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Elle"

"Cute, I like it," he smiles at me. His complement turned my cheeks to a deep red. I have been complimented before, but coming from him it felt different. My mind wants to give it an underlying meaning, but I know he is just being nice.

His smile and his eyes just grasped my attention, I didn't want to let it go. His voice was one I could listen to for hours, I held onto each word he would say. My body's reaction was shocking, I have never had a reaction like this to any other man. A part of me knew this would end when I made it home, however, I wanted it to last much longer.

"I can take you home if you want?" Colby asked. His eyes never leave mine.

"That would be great, thank you."

He hopped out of bed and grabbed a black shirt and jeans. I turned when he started to change his pants. He then grabbed his keys and wallet from his desk. I followed him out of his room and down the stairs. The house was so much calmer than what it was last night. Everyone was gone and the only thing left was solo cups and beer bottles scattering the floor.

He turned left and walked out of the front door. I kept following as he held the door for me. He then walked over to a red Toyota Corolla. He opened the passenger door and as I sat down I thanked him and he ran to the other side, hopping into the driver's seat.

"Where do you live?" He asked and I put my address into his phone and we started our drive.

"Thank you for taking me home, I'm sorry for being a nuisance."

"Elizabeth, you are not a nuisance, I offered to drive you home because you seem like a nice girl," he says making eye contact with me. "But I must ask how did you end up at the party last night, I don't think we have ever met?" He asked as he made a right turn.

"My best friend Becky wanted to go before she gets married next Saturday," I say, explaining myself. I knew I shouldn't have gone to that party. It was probably meant to be a small house party and more people just kept getting invited.

"I'm guessing your boyfriend would probably want you back now"

I laughed a little at this. " I don't have a boyfriend" I have only ever had one boyfriend and that was years ago.

"Oh... good" he replies. I go still and turn to him and then back to the window. Did he just say good? Does he not want me to have a boyfriend? I decided to just let it go.

We had a few conversations in the car. I would catch him glaring at me every once in a while. He told me how his friend and he are leaving for New Zealand in two weeks and how excited he is. I told him of Becky's wedding.

As we were pulling up to my small apartment, the question he asked next surprised me. "Could I have your number by chance?" He asked while scratching the back of his neck.

"Wait really? Yeah, can I see your phone?" He gave me his phone and I put in my name and number and sent a quick message to myself so I could save it on my phone.

"Thank you, I'll text you sometime" He gave his cute smile and his eyes told the truth.

I went inside my apartment and immediately bounced on the couch. I needed just a little time to go through everything that happened last night and this morning. Going to a party. Fell asleep in the mansion, waking up inside of a random man's bed, and that man was handsome. Not the weekend I had truly expected. My only hope is that he was being sincere when he said he would text me.

The week started to fly by. But it is now Thursday and there has been no text from Colby. I was hoping he would have texted by now. I don't know why, he is a stranger. All I know about him is his first name, nothing more.

As Becky's wedding gets closer I am getting even more nervous because I am her only friend showing up without a date. I hoped that I could have asked Colby, but I doubt I would have had the guts to ask. That's all I can think about now. Maybe I should text him, but he said he would text me. I wish I could.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn't want to wait on him to text me. Because who knows that might never happen. I picked up my phone off the counter and went to his contact. I stared at his name at the top of the screen debating if this is a good idea.

I finally found the courage to at least say something. 'Hi, this is Elle, from the other night. Would you possibly want to be my wedding date this Saturday?' The worst he can say is no. I laid my phone back on the counter and walked over to my cabinet and grabbed a glass and felt it with water.

Now, all I have to do is wait. Maybe he deleted my number. That doesn't make sense because he asked for my number. Why would he ask for something just to delete it.? Maybe to just make me feel better. My head came up with a bunch of scenarios, going over each one with delicate thinking.

About twenty minutes passed and I finally heard the ding from my phone. I also ran to it. I turned it on and it was Colby. I felt relieved to see his name on the screen. I tapped on it and to my surprise, it was more than I expected. 'Hi, Elizabeth, of course, I will go to the wedding with you, send me the details and I'll come to pick you up.'

I was surprised he replied, I was more surprised he said what he did. This made the wedding more exciting for me, I wouldn't have to worry about being alone or ruining Becky's day. It made me feel better that I am going to see him again. I am ready to see him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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