Part Nineteen

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"Tell me this isn't yours." Tony said, still holding the small bag in his hands.

You shook your head, your heart beating so fast you were sure it'll beat out of your chest. "I - I can't, Tony."

He took a sharp breath, sitting on his chair and closing his eyes. He undid a few buttons on his shirt and leaned on the table, trying to breathe.

You approached him and put your hand on his shoulder, but he moved out of your reach. "Don't." He said.

You moved your hand and looked down at him with tears in your eyes.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know." You shook your head.

"It was him, wasn't it?" Tony looked up at you. You stayed quiet, not saying a word at that. Tony got up to stand in front of you, throwing the bag on his desk. "I told you he's a bad influence on you! I told you! Why can't you just listen to me?"


"Don't talk right now." He growled."I can't believe you. This isn't you."

"Tony, please-"

"Why did you do this? Was it Barnes who told you to?"

You shook your head, the tears sliding down your cheeks. "No. He a-asked me if I want to and I said yes. And..."You wiped off your tears. "And I went back to a guy for more."

"So it is his fault." Tony said, sitting back down on the chair. "I don't know what to do."

Your heart broke at the sight of him. He was still worried about you. You didn't know he was thinking it was his fault, too.

You tried to reach out and touch him again, but he moved out of your reach. "Get out."

"What?" You asked.

"Get out. I don't want anything to do with a drug addict." He said, making your heart drop at the way he said it like he was disgusted.

You gulped, but still nodded your head, understanding him.

"I don't want to see you anymore."He spat.

You nodded your head again.

"And... and I have to tell your parents about this." He said. "I have to tell them about us, too."

"No, Tony, please-"

"I said get out." He growled and you listened to him and walked out of his office.

Your whole word was crushed to thousand pieces.

Tony hated you. And it was all your fault.

On top of that, he'll tell your parents about everything that happened and they will be disappointed in you, and they'll probably hate you.

Not feeling like anything else, you decided to go home.

As soon as you got home, your phone rang, signalling you got a text. It was from James and you tapped on it and opened it.

You froze when you read it.

"I don't know how to tell you this, Y/N, but it's over between us."

Tears filled your eyes as you made your way into the house. Your parents were waiting for you and sat around the dining table.

"Y/N", your mother smiled at you and gestured for you to come over, "We have something to tell you."

You sat in front of them, feeling completely numb.

They shared a look and your father nodded, gesturing at your mother to say it.

She moved in her seat and put her hands on the table, "Sweetheart, before we tell you anything, we want you to know it's not your fault or... anyone else's fault, okay?"

You nodded your head.

"Your father and I wanted to tell you we're getting a divorce." She said.

Your face remained serious, even if, on the inside, you were breaking and your own mind screamed at you.

"It's not your fault, we decided it's better for us."Your father assured you.

You nodded again and got up from the chair. "Can I go back to my room?"

"Oh... " Your mother said. "Of course you can."

You rushed up the stairs, leaving them to share confused looks.

You jumped on the bed and pulled out your phone to text Wanda to come over, needing her to comfort you, but you saw her text that she was gone out of town with Vision for a few days.

A few hours later, Tony was sitting behind the table in the same place you sat. Your parents were sitting in front of him.

"I have something to tell you." He started. "I don't know where to start."

"Before you tell us anything, Anthony", your mother interrupted him, " We have something to tell you as well."

You were coming down the stairs when you heard voices.

"You're getting a divorce?" He asked and that's when you walked into the room. Tony's eyes immediately went onto your small figure. You were sweating and shaking so much you could barely walk, and your eyes were red.

As soon as you saw him, you turned back up the stairs and went into your room, thinking he'll tell them everything that happened over the past months.

"We just told Y/N as well. It... It's not easy for her, either, and we're worried about her. But, what did you want to tell us?" Your father asked and Tony sighed.

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