"We only found a piece of his jaw-"

But his brother was alive in front of him. If only he could move and take his brother, so he could shelter him from any harm, but Shoto was still frozen in his place.

Aizawa had used his quirk to erase Touya's quirk, he was holding Keigo as the kid cried and sobbed, trying to reach for his friend. But when Aizawa tried to touch Touya, the latter flinched violently and begged to not be touched because it hurt. So, he couldn't hold both Touya and Keigo.

Thankfully, Shoto had snapped out of his shock after there was no fire and he rushed to Touya to hold him and let him be treated immediately, but as soon as Shoto touched Touya, his brother recoiled from his touch and his screams had gone louder.

"Please, Papa." Touya whimpered, blood was pouring on the bed from his open wounds and the smell of burnt flesh was so prominent, that it was the only thing that could be smelled in the room.

Shoto wanted to close his eyes and pretend that all of this was just a dream, a cruel dream. He wanted to pretend that his brother didn't go through this two times because he knew that being burned is a fiery, excruciatingly painful experience.

"Touya-nii," Shoto said desperately when he touched Touya again and his brother flinched again - the screams were getting louder and louder, the blood that was pouring from his brother's body was a lot. Under Touya's eyes, the skin is burnt too, and he's crying blood-it leaks from his eyes, slips down his cheek, joining the other red spots of blood on the bed.

Shoto hated the colour blue.

Finally, after what felt like long agonizing hours, Shoto was able to pull Touya into his embrace and he held him even if his brother tried to recoil from his touch, and he was still screaming and begging to not be touched, begging for something to take the pain away even it resulted in killing him - anything to take the pain away.

And Shoto stared at him, he wanted to take him to Recovery Girl, but he froze again with Touya in his arms and wondered about all the things, the hundreds of things that happened in Touya's life -Did his brother suffer like that again throughout the years? The thought of his brother suffering caused something to ache inside of him painfully and his tears were still falling rapidly down his face.

Take him to Recovery Girl, let her treat him! - but even though the voice inside his head was yelling, he was still frozen in his place, holding Touya and getting soaked by his blood.

By his older brother's blood.

"Shoto," he heard Aizawa's voice saying his name softly as if Shoto was made of glass and would shatter if someone spoke in a loud voice. "Let me take him." Aizawa was still talking softly, looking at Touya with worry. Thankfully, Shinsou had come into the room and sprung into action when he saw the scene in front of him -Shoto was staring blankly at Touya while Aizawa was holding a crying Keigo who was trying desperately to escape from the teacher's hold to reach Touya, the winged boy had the same blank face as Shoto, tears coursed down his face.

Shinsou had tried to take Keigo from Aizawa, but as soon as Aizawa loosened his hold on Keigo, he flew to the bed and sat on it - silently watching Touya and Shoto and the blood that had tainted the sheets with wide golden eyes. Shinsou thought that he would try to hug Touya, but Keigo was frozen in his place like Shoto.

"No," Shoto protested and unconsciously tightened his hold on Touya when Aizawa tried to take him. I wouldn't let anyone take him from me, he is my brother! - Shoto thought angrily.

"Shoto, we have to take him to Recovery Girl," Aizawa said urgently, but he was still speaking softly.

"No, I.. I..." I want to hold and never let him go- Shoto wanted to say, but the words were stuck and refused to be let out. "Tou - I am here, I am here." His voice shook, heavy with emotions. It broke Aizawa's heart to see the usually stoic and cold facade crumble to reveal this broken child inside - Everything that happened these past weeks had crumbled Shoto's stoic facade.

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