Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Patrick. Well, call me for dinner!" And with that, the author of the journals pressed a button on his wrist device and closed the vending machine door behind him.

"Maybe next time then? Or not?...Or never." Dipper sighed sadly as Mabel walked up to him.

"Aww, Dipper, don't take it so hard," she said in an attempt to comfort him, only for Stan to hit him on the head with his newspaper.

"No, do take it hard!" Stan snapped as he glared at the vending machine. "Take it hard and serious. My brother is a dangerous know-it-all, and the stuff he's messing with is even worse. Do yourself a favor and stay away from him, you hear me?"

"But, Grunkle Stan, all summer long I've wanted to know who the author of the journal was," Dipper protested intently. "Now the guy lives in our basement and I can't even talk to him. Patrick, don't you agree?"

"Look, I'm with Stan on this one, Dip," Patrick said. "I'd rather stay out of Ford's business."

"See! Patrick's got the right idea. Don't worry about what's in the basement. You belong up here with me, Patrick, and Mabel," Stan said as Patrick walked over to him.

"Yeah! Besides, the season finale of Duck-tective is airing this Friday!" Mabel said brightly as she held up a TV guide ad for the said finale. "That's all the mystery you'll need this week. Quack with us, Dipper!" She started doing a wobbly dance like a duck and quacking like one. "Quack, quack quack quack..."

Stan laughed. "Huha, yeah!" He joined in and started dancing with his niece. "Quack quack, quack quack..."

"Ah, what the hell?" Patrick sighed with a smile before he too started quacking and dancing. "Quack, quack quack quack! Quack quack, quack quack!"

As they went on quacking, Dipper looked at the vending machine. There was a light coming from behind the vending machine, just adding to Dipper's desire to talk to the author of the journals. After all these long weeks wondering, dreaming of this moment, Dipper finally had the author. The man that has spent years studying the weird and exciting mysteries of Gravity Falls. And it turned out to be his great uncle.

And just as before, his chance to talk to him was still so far away.

His twin sister came up behind him as he continued to stare at the vending machine. "Quack quack quack, a quack quack quaaaacck! Quuaaaaa..." Mabel stopped and pointed at Dipper. "Why isn't he quacking?"


"So wait, everything your grandmother told us was real? And everything that you've been saying in your letters was real?" Matthew asked his son on the phone.

"That's right, dad," Patrick said. He was sitting in the living room with Mabel, who was drawing a picture of Stan and Ford being friends.

When Veronica arrived at Patrick's home, Matthew and Nora were surprised that the old woman had shown up out of the blue. They talked, with the grandmother apologizing for not being there for most of Nora's life. She explained everything that she's been doing, including the portal, Ford, and the weirdness of the Falls.

Of course, Nora didn't really believe any of it, and Matthew was the same. However, when he called his son, the father was quite surprised to hear that it was all real. Everything that his mother-in-law told him, Patrick said the exact same thing. Right done to the last detail.

"So, that means that gravity..."

"Reversed itself when the machine turned on. Almost destroying the universe and totally wrecking the town," Patrick said, looking at the TV as the news reported on the aftermath of the event and the damage the portal's opening had caused throughout the Gravity Falls.

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