Not What They Seem

Start from the beginning

"Ah. This is what Saturdays are for," Veronica said, raising her can of soda up with a content smile.

"Hear, hear." Stan raised his can in agreement as he reclined into his seat. "Doing dumb things forever," he remarked.

"DUMB THINGS FOREVER!" Dipper and Mabel echoed in triumphant shout as they jumped onto the pile of water balloons together. Landing on the water balloons which all pop into a big burst of water that splashed water everywhere. Almost hitting their Grunkle in the legs before he pulled his legs back.

"Whoa, there!" he laughed as Patrick walked over to him with a big smile.

"Which reminds me, I wanted to give this to you," Patrick said, pulling out a folded envelope signed to Stan from his sweater. He held it out to his Grunkle, he looked at it in confusion before taking it.

"What is it?" Stan asked.

"Remember that money that the Northwests didn't pay us for the firework run? Well, last night we got them to cough it up," Patrick explained.

Stan's eyes widened at that and he quickly started opening the envelope. He pulled out the check that Preston Northwest made and stared at it as if it was a solid gold bar. Which in this case it might as well have been for the old conman.

"A little some for all you've done for us," Patrick said with a smile.

Mabel held up an icy-pop in a toast with a water balloon behind her back. "To Grunkle Stan and Graunt Veronica! Not just a great uncle and aunt ..."

"The greatest uncle and aunt!" Dipper finished as he and Mabel threw water balloons at Stan as he quickly hid the check from the water.

"Alright, alright," Stan chuckled as he and Veronica got the watery brunt of the kid's attack. "I tell you it's unnatural for siblings to get along as well as you do."

"Hell, it's crazy to see all three of you getting along with each other," Veronica said with a bright smile of her own.

Mabel waved her hand dismissively. "Ha-ha! Don't worry. We've still got plenty of summer left to drive each other crazy!" Mabel said, pulling her brother into a sudden hug from his spot on the ground. Dipper pushes Mabel away, as Patrick tossed a water balloon into the air and it landed perfectly on her face.

Stan laughed nervously and frowned. "Yeah, plenty of summer left," he paused, glancing between his three grandkids.

Seeing this, Patrick frowned worriedly. "Stan? What's wrong?" he asked as Dipper and Mabel approached the porch.

For a moment, Stan looked at his secret agent cousin. Veronica nodded to him. This morning of fun was a tactic he was using to warm them up enough for what they were going to tell them. It was time to stop beating around the bush. Rubbing the back of his head nervously, Stan started to explain. "Kids, there's something I, uh, something I should tell you. It's um... Well, it's complicated. I..." the conman hesitated as he looked at the curious trio before him. And just like that, his confidence broke. "I'm gonna go refresh my soda."

He quickly walked away over to the far side of the shack, away from the eyes of the kids. Veronica frowned and followed him. When she turned the corner, she found him walking alone behind the bushes. "Stan!" She called out, rushing over to him. "They have to know."

"I know. I know! I just...I'm just not sure if I can," Stan admitted with a sad expression on his face. Veronica placed a hand on his shoulder.

"They'll find out sooner or later. Why don't I explain it to them," she offered, placing a hand on her chest.

Stan stared at her for a moment before glancing down and taking a deep breath before letting it out. "Alright. Today's the day..." However, before he could say anything else, he happened to glance up and notice a glowing red dot appearing on Stan's fez. "What is that, a ladybug?" he frowned and tried to slap it.

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