He finally poured you a cup and pushed it towards you, waiting for you to pick it up before smiling again. He promised you that he would return shortly, before he left you alone in the unfamiliar library.

You could only stare after him, confused, as you held the dainty teacup in your shaking hands. This place seemed vaguely familiar, but you couldn't recall where you remembered it from.

You looked down into your teacup, staring at your wavering reflection in the clear brown liquid. Your hair was pinned up into a fancy, outdated style. Large green gems hung from your ears, and a golden, heart-shaped pendant sat on a chain that you wore around your neck.

You brought your hand up to the pendant, finally noting just how weighty it felt. You lifted it, your brows raising when you heard the sound of something sloshing inside.

"A flask?" You asked, dropping it. "What a weird spot to store it. Why do I have it, anyways?" You placed your teacup down on the table, not bothering to sip from it. It was the least important thing you needed to be worrying about, anyways.

You stood and turned slowly, examining your surroundings more closely. You were most definitely in a library of some sort. You didn't know why though. You hoped that the strange, handsome man would come back to explain things to you soon though.

You approached a bookshelf near the entrance to the room, your nerves slowly fading. For some reason, the room seemed to calm you. "Must be the blue." You mused, reaching out for an old leather book that seemed to call your name.

Suddenly, a heavy hand landed on your shoulder.

You jolted awake suddenly, and sat straight in your bed. You could feel the sweat causing your clothes to stick uncomfortably to your body as your chest rose and fell rapidly.

Sunlight was streaming through the cracks in your curtains, creating white rays against your blankets. You tried to calm your breathing as you stared, wide-eyed, at the stripes of light.

Vivid dreams weren't a new thing for you. You experienced them often, and usually enjoyed them as they were often times quite pleasant. This dream, however, had been different.

You could remember the library, and the feeling of the eyes staring at you. It still felt as though a heavy hand was sitting on your shoulder, too. You couldn't remember the mans face though. It was back to being a patch of nothing.

You shook your head and threw your blankets off of your body, relieved when cool air brushed against your heated skin. Your breathing slowly returned to normal as you tried to relax your muscles.

A sudden knock at your door had you jumping again, and you stared anxiously at your door. A moment passed before your roommate was pushing into your room, a concerned look on her pretty face.

Her notepad was in her hand, per usual, and at the sight of you awake she began to scribble on it. Are you alright? I could hear your heart beating all the way in my room.

You huffed and ran your hand through your hair, letting yourself relax again. "Yes, I'm alright Alice. I'm sorry if it bothered you." You murmured. "I was just having a bad dream."

The sound of a pen against paper sounded again, before she was holding the notepad up for you. Do you want to go out for breakfast? It read. You looked up at her face in surprise.

"You want to have breakfast with me?" You asked, your brows raising. "Or, you want me for breakfast?" You joked, your lips tilted upwards in a half smile.

A SEALED FATE: Ruby Encrusted Cages (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now