The Playgirl - Relationships Suck

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Ryder's POV (That super cute guy with green eyes on the side)

"Hey. Sorry, I'm late. I slept really late last night and couldn't wake up this morning." I laughed.

"Nothing new, huh?" Cassie didn't look up from her phone as I slide into the booth and reached for her milkshake.

"This is why we're friends though," I took a big sip. Oreo goodness filled my mouth and she shook her head, snatching the large cup back.

"Lay off my drink please," She gave me a dirty look before continuing to take huge gulps from her delicious milkshake.

"Someone's in a good mood," I said sarcastically, dumping my bag beside me.

"Sorry, I'm just really pissed off right now. Axel called me this morning and his voice was trembling. Apparently, Jordan broke up with him. Can you believe her? Axel is such a great guy and she just-" Cassie stopped, shaking her head bitterly.

I understood why she was so upset. Cassie has had a crush on Axel for the longest time. Him dating Jordan was already so heartbreaking for her. But now? Jordan just broke the heart of the guy she loved.

"I don't get why Axel even likes her. She's a playgirl, for God's sake! It's not like he doesn't know that, right?" She half-shouted. "Whatever, let's go. We're gonna be late."

She grabbed her backpack, got up and dumped her cup into the trash. I sighed and followed her lead as we exited the 'Milkshake Mania' together and headed for her car.

I lived nearby and always met her here. She was my ride to school.

After I got into her bright yellow convertible, she slammed the car door in frustration and drove off.

The wind felt painfully cold against my face as I watched the trees flash by. My eyelids felt heavy and before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep.

"Jordan doesn't deserve someone as nice as Axel," Cassie announced, switching the engine off. I woke up with a start and blinked repeatedly.

"Wait for me!" I shouted after Cassie as she stormed her way into the glass doors of our high school.

Getting out, I heard a beep and saw Cassie press a button on her car keys. She didn't even look back. Great. My best friend in a bad mood. Today's not gonna be fun.

I shifted my bag strap on my shoulder and walked dejectedly into the hell I call 'school'.


I was on my way to my locker when I saw a crowd forming at the school entrance. Typical school day, typical school guys. Shaking my head, I shoved my books into my locker and slammed it shut.

I turned around just in time to see Jordan pass by. "Cool shirt, Evans." She winked, flashing me a flirty smile.

I rolled my eyes and was about to head off to class when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hitting on you again?" Axel asked, hurt laced in his voice.

"You know I don't like her," I turned to face my other best friend. That's when I saw how terrible he looked. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was tear-streaked.

"I know. I look like a bloody mess," He looked down at the floor.

"Let's go and clean you up. Tell me everything," I patted his back and we changed course towards the bathroom instead.


"Why did she dump you?" I asked bluntly. He looked up from the sink and a hurt look flashed across his face. I immediately regretted my choice of words and cringed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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