I am that girl!

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Hey people this is my first poem.

I tried to put my thoughts into words.

I hope you like it and I would really appreciate any kind of constructive criticism!



Yes I am that girl,

Who used to believe in fairy tales,

The girl,

Who used to feel that way.

Those were the days,

when I believed in My knight in shining armour,

Who would come and sweep me off my feet.

Yes I am that girl,

Who believed in her prince charming,

Eternal love and happiness,

the one who would bring.

Those were the days ,

when I believed in Happily ever after's.

That everything was going to be alright,

And every night was going to be my dreamy night.

But No,

reality is different from my cloud nine,

Because this is where I thought you would be mine.

Yes I am that girl ,

Who believed in fairy tales,

Until she met a guy,

Who told her tales.

A part of me is thanking you,

You made me realize,

This is a world where I can meet someone like you.

I now know I deserve so much better,

Someone who's smile can set my heart aflutter !

I am that girl!Where stories live. Discover now