chapter 5

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September 7, 2015; Monday {second week of classes}

Elisiana had been sleeping in most of her classes, that's for sure. It wasn't because she spent the whole night partying or spent the whole night on the internet, avoiding doing her home works.

It was because her mom started dating again.

And she couldn't live with that thought.

So every night, she cried herself to sleep, wondering how her mother could live with herself seeing other men. It was like as if she was trying to replace him to get rid of the pain she was feeling. She knew it had been six years since her dad died and she knew she had been a total dick to her mother for the last six years but the way she found out she had been going out was not a very pleasant moment for her.

It was 1 a.m. and she was lying on the floor on her back with the radio right beside her left ear. As always, she was listening to the same old song she had grown to love. David Bowie was belting out the second chorus when a small giggle erupted from downstairs. At first, Elisiana didn't think much of it. She could be talking to one of her friends she'd been doing yoga class with. Or maybe Mrs. Summers from across the street.

But then, she heard another voice. It was deep and masculine and she instantly knew why. Realization hit her hard and the next thing she knew, she was blinded by fury and was doing things out of her uncontrolled anger.

She grabbed her jacket, her keys, and bolted out the door. Her footsteps were heavy against the steps of the stairs which caught the attention of her mother and her date. The look on her mother's face was priceless.

"Elisiana, um," her mother started, but she didn't even care.

Her mother didn't even bother to tell her that she's starting to see other men which totally disappointed her. She shook her head, closing her eyes to control the anger that's directed towards her mother. She ignored them and ran to the cold, dark night, going straight to the bar Michael took her.

And that's how alcohol became her only friend.

"Ms. Dane!" a loud booming voice erupted, causing her to jump awake in her seat. She looked around and noticed the stares she was getting from everyone. She groaned and looked up only to see Mr. Walsh staring at her disapprovingly. It was only second period and yet she was already sleeping.

Mr. Walsh was a tall man, maybe in his late 40's with white, clean-cut hair and a clean-shaved face. He always wore a blue with a yellow tie to suit to school, sometimes differing in shade, but always the same style.

"Ms. Dane," he walked closer towards her, keeping their eye contact steady. Elisiana gulped, scooting back slightly in her seat. She was still sleepy and she wanted to just lie down right there and then-even with Mr. Walsh watching. "It appears to me that you're sleeping."

Elisiana bit her lip worriedly, looking down at her lap. "Um, I was just," she started to say, but held back and kept her mouth shut. Mr. Walsh gave her a once over, looking her up and down carefully, his beady eyes narrowing as he looked at her.

"See me later after class," he said in a stern voice.

Elisiana sighed, knowing what she's in for. She rarely get detention-like once or twice her whole life and she couldn't afford to be there being scolded by Mr. Walsh. She didn't want to be lectured later once they're dismissed but right now, she just can't bring herself to care. Well, she cared a bit but didn't have the energy to explain herself or maybe even protest.

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