||| Monsters in the Museum |||

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Arthur Harrow walked towards one of their safe houses with a folded piece of paper he managed to get from a CCTV camera. It was a photo of the Russian teen who aided the gift shopist and the mercenary. The cult leader wanted to know who she was so he was headed to someone he knew would be able to figure it out.

"Welcome." A man by the name of Quinn said, bowing his head.

Harrow handed the photo to Quinn, "I need you to do a plethora of research about this girl."

Quinn took the photo and nodded, "I think I've seen her before a few years ago."

An hour passed by and then another hour. Harrow began tapping his foot on the wood floor. The glass in his shoes began digging deeper into the bottom of his feet. The cult leader sighed and closed his eyes— he loved every second of the pain, he revelled in it.

"I found everything I could about the girl," Quinn's voice echoed through the basement as he handed Arthur the stack of papers. "She goes by the name Karina Evermore. According to her birth certificate her name is Alisa Baronov."

Harrow visibly froze when he saw a particular name on Karina's birth certificate, "It can't be."

After defeating the jackal, Marc fished his phone out of Steven's jacket pocket along with a small folded piece of paper— a way to contact the Russian if he needed help. The mercenary was a bit too prideful to openly admit that he needed help. After several seconds of waiting for Karina to answer the phone she finally did.

"Yes?" The Russian spoke.

"I know I normally don't say things like this but," Marc started and let out a huff of air. "I think I might need your help. You're the only person I know who has the capability of what I need done."

"I'll meet you at Steven's loft." Karina muttered and hung up.

"Bitch." Marc huffed as the line disconnected.

Marc exited the bathroom and spotted a camera, he looked up and stared at it before leaving the museum. His plan was to attempt for the teen to repair the mental wall that blocked Steven from interacting with him and the other alter.

Two hours had passed since the fight at the museum and Marc was sitting on the couch. Karina had her fingers pressed to his temple. Her finger tips glowed a bright silver color. A look of concentration dawned the assassin's face. "This is definitely going to take a while." the mercenary thought.

Karina closed her eyes as she focused on repairing the mental wall. The wall kept crumbling down with every attempt. The Russian teen let out a cry of frustration and removed her hands from the man's temple. Marc looked at her with his brows furrowed, "Well?" He asked.

Karina fiddled with her fingers, "The walls cannot be restored."

The mercenary let out a groan as he rubbed his face with hands, "Thanks for trying."

The Russian teen grinned slightly, "Anytime."

"I suppose I should let Steven front again," Marc said, while heading over to the bed. "You should stay here and make sure Steven doesn't get himself killed."

The teen nodded her head as Marc placed the shackle around his ankle. Karina laid down on the couch. The Russian girl closed her eyes and let her mind wander.

Her mind lingered on the day she and her friend, Yelena became victims of the blip. Yelena and her along with another widow by the name of Sonya had tracked down Ana—another widow who the trio believed had been brainwashed.

Yelena had gone to the bathroom to wash her hands and Karina went outside to get fresh air. It felt like they had been gone for five seconds, but in reality it was five years. When the pair came back, Ana consoled the two and filled them in.

Karina was ripped out of her thoughts by the sound of someone falling. She jumped up from the couch and went straight into defensive mode. The assassin lowered her hands when she realized that it was Steven who had forgotten that he slept with a cuff around his ankle.

"Morning," Karina muttered and waved at him.

"Y-You're real." Steven stuttered.

"Of course I'm real," Karina said with a small smile, being patient with the man. "What else would I be? A ghost?"

Steven sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, "I thought my mind created you as a figment of my dream."

The Russian pursed her lips while she contemplated telling him that what he experienced wasn't a dream but she remembered that Marc had threatened to kill her if she even revealed a hint of information to Steven. The mercenary wanted to keep Steven Grant as safe as possible and as far from the danger as possible.

"I best head off to work," Steven spoke, grabbing his keys. "Make yourself at home."

Steven locked the door behind him and walked to the bus stop. After thirty minutes on the bus he finally arrived at his place of work. He winced when he saw the caution tape. His mind flashed back to the incident that occurred last night—the Egyptian jackal chasing him, him hiding in the bathroom, the reflection in the mirrors.

The middle aged man believed that it was all bizarre and borderline confusing and scary. He struggled to wrap his mind around all the recent events. He was scared and didn't understand what was happening to him.

After he and his colleague watched the security footage, Steven found himself in HR. He was rather relieved that the museum wasn't going to press charges for vandalism—his relief was short-lived when he was asked to hand over his badge.

Arthur Harrow had finally finished reading through the files that contained information about his daughter. He had no idea that his daughter was even still alive. The cult leader had been led to believe that she had died a couple days after she was born.

Harrow felt a red hot fiery rage building in him when he learned that his ex-wife, Sasha had sold her to an organization called the red room for money. He felt even more anger when he read that the red room gave the widows involuntary hysterectomies.

Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose and shoved the files away from him. He was pissed that his child did not even get a choice in the matter. "It should've been up to her." Harrow thought.

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