Chapter 10- Where Is He?

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~ Wilbur POV ~ 

I snapped back to reality, gravity got a hold of me and I fell to my knees. I needed help, and Tommy was there for me, but when the kid needs help all I'm capable of doing is getting angry, I look at his computer, he was listening to Lovejoy's new songs on stream. I stand up and walk downstairs, calling Jack. "Hello? What do you need?" I look at Techno and nod him outside. "You and your car. It's Tommy." I hang up and stand at the end of his garden, waiting for Jack. "Should I call him?" I shake my head, "I think his phones upstairs." Thinking about it now, Techno's been around him. "What's he been like the past few days?" Techno sits on the wall, "He's been really happy, cleaning his room a lot. He offered me a few of his things and he's been really organised." I nod. Those are all signs of someone thinking about killing themselves.      (Just wanna say, if you or someone are always organized, have OCD (even though it's so much more than just being organized) or have started to be more organized as of lately, it doesn't always mean they/you are suicidal. Please stop commenting 'this is why I've/someone has been more organized.' and either get help, or check on them. It may not seem like it, but it can be harmful to some people who have dealt with people offing themselves in the past, including myself and seeing these comments on a story I wrote to spread awareness on suicide and the signs of it is just damaging to me personally. If you think I'm being sensitive, idc. I'm sorry. )

Jack pulls up and I get in the backseat, Techno joins me. Phil's in the passenger seat. "Where is he?" Jack gets his GPS up and looks at me. "That's the thing, we don't know. He was showing signs of killing himself and I just wanted to help but it got out of control and I started slamming and shouting because I just don't want to lose my brother even though he's technically not my bro-" Phil looks at me, cutting me off by saying "Will. Mate, he'll be okay. I promise." I put my seatbelt on and Jack starts driving.

~ Tommy POV ~

Walking around, I feel an overwhelming sadness. Part of it is because someone would've texted me by now, to make sure I'm okay; that just makes me feel more selfish. I've been longing for this day for a while now. I get my phone and walk to one of my favourite places. A tall hill in the park, sitting down I look out at the view. I could probably see my house from here if I looked hard enough. It would seem so small from all the way over here. To my left a shadow approaches, sitting down next to me. "Toms?" I look at the person, Eryn. "Hi." I look back out to the view and clasp my hands in my lap. "What're you doing here at this time?" I shrug, "I think Will and I had a fight, I feel bad about it." He puts his arm around my shoulder, "Need a hug?" I nod and rest my head on his shoulder. (NOT a ship.) "We should vlog something together, don't you think?" I smile "Yeah, we should, we haven't had a scuffed one in a while?" Eryn reaches into his pocket and conveniently pulls out a camera (shh, its for the plot.) "Wanna do it now?" I smile and nod.  "We can call it 'late night scuffed vlog. ft. TommyInnit' and post it on my channel?" I stand up and hold out my hand, he takes it getting up. "Sounds like a plan." 

After we filmed us walking around he asked "Wanna spend the night at mine, like we used to do when we were kids?" I nod and say "You're sleeping on the floor this time, I slept on it last time." He chuckles and nods "Not if I get on it first Toms." he starts running, so I run after him, all the way to his house, inside and to his room. I jump on the bed, him shortly after me, I push him on the floor careful as to not hurt him. "I win motherfucker." He stands up and sits next to me. I get a phonecall, Eryn takes it and it's Tubbo, he declines the call. "Why did you?" he throws it on the bed, "You were upset, does he usually call you?" I shake my head. "I just cheered you up Toms, I don't want anything to ruin this sleepover." 

~ Ranboos POV ~

Tubbo looks at me, "He declined my call, how am I supposed to apologise if he won't speak to me?" I grab my phone and call Tommy, he answers so I put him on speaker, but, it's not him. It's Eryn. "Eryn. Boy, am I glad to speak to you. Is Tommy okay?" I await a response. "No. I saw him crying on the park, for a lot of different reasons. You and Tubbo being one of them, now sto-" I cut him off. "Please, let me talk to him. Not Tubbo, I will talk to him." I'm waiting again for a few minutes. "Hello?" I look at Tubbo and put the phone on speaker. "Tommy? Hi, Wilbu-" suddenly the call cut off. He hung up on me.

~ 3rd Person POV ~

Tommy throws the phone down. "It was about Wilbur, but, I don't wanna talk about him." Eryn nods and puts Tommy's phone on silent and in his top drawer. "Wanna edit the video with me? I'll go grab you a chair from my kitchen." He nods and Eryn walks to get the chair. Tommy gets up, plugging the camera into Eryn's PC transferring the video files over. Eryn gets back to the room with the chair putting it down sitting down on his gaming chair, Tommy sitting next to him.

Jack parks his car outside of Wilbur's house "Go inside, Wil, we'll look more tomorrow. I need to get Techno to Tommy's so he can assure Mrs Simons her son's alright." Wilbur gets out of the car and goes inside, lying in his bed, falling asleep.

~ Eryn POV ~

After editing the video, I posted it, at this point it was very early in the morning, like the time ArtemisLocal (on twitch) is writing this (look at me, promoting my twitch <3), I look over at Tommy and he's half asleep, "Thank you Eryn. I was thinking about ending it until you showed up." He gets up, walking and climbing into bed, I sit there in shock at what I just heard and pull a mattress from under my bed, laying in it, pulling a blanket over me. I stay awake for the rest of the night, thinking about what could've happened if I didn't show up.


me knowing what's gonna happen <3

me knowing what's gonna happen <3

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