𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕊𝕖𝕖 𝔾𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕥 𝔸𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟

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The Inn was quieter. After Geralt Of Rivia took care of the brutes almost a year ago, they have avoided the Inn like it was the plague.

I hadn't told anyone about what had happened. The Inn owner was more happy that his Inn was calmer.

After I had been healed, the Witcher had left, only sparing me a glance before he disappeared.

It wasn't until about four months ago that I started to hear the rumours of the Witcher and the Bard that travelled with him, recounting the tales of the Witcher, in the form of songs.

I have to admit, my favourite is Toss A Coin To Your Witcher. It summed up Geralt perfectly.

It was just a regular night at the Inn. All, but, one room had been taken, a few by whores and their customers, others by travellers.

I was wiping down a table at the back when the door opened.

"See? I told you it would be empty."

A voice says, but, nobody says anything in reply. I could tell there was two of them as their footsteps approached closer to me.

I moved out of the way as a slim man plonked himself down at the table.

As I moved back to the bar, a deep and familiar voice called out.


I froze at the bar, my eyes wide. The Inn owner frowns at me as he drops two tankards full of ale before me.

"Take these to the table, girl!"

He snaps at me and I quickly snap out of my daze and lift up the tankards.

"Sorry, Sir."

I say before taking a deep breath and making my way over to the table once more.

Geralt hadn't changed. He still wore his familiar armour and carried his humongous swords. The man opposite him must be the Bard. He was vigorously writing something into a journal. The Witcher had his head down.

"Here we are, Sir's."

I say, laying the tankards onto the table. I noticed Geralt raise his head to look at me, but, I continued staring at the Bard.

"Why, thank you, my dear lady. Is there perhaps any food we could sconder?"

He asks and I nod.

"We have a meat pie or a soup."

I say and he ponders, his pen touching the tip of his chin.

"Two pies."

Geralt answers and I finally tear my head away from the Bard to look at Geralt. His eyes pierced through mine.

"Two meat pies it is. How're you keeping, Geralt?"

I ask and he tilts his head to the side, giving me a weird look, but, I don't waver.


He says and I chuckle.

"You two know each other?"

The Bard questions, but, before I could answer him, Geralt does.

"I saved her from brutes."

He says and I nod, sending him a soft smile.

"It's been quiet here eversince. I'll get your pies."

I say, turning and quickly leaving. I overheard their conversation as I did.

"You never told me that you knew a beauty, Geralt. What is the name of the lady that the Witcher saved?"

The Bard asks.

"Y/N. And before you ask, she's not a whore, Jaskier."

I smile and continue to the bar.


They had finished their pies and had another two tankards of ale each before they both stood up and approached the bar. The Inn owner had long since retired to bed, leaving me to lock up. I look up as they near.

"Do you have any rooms?"

Geralt asks and I nod, wiping my hands on my apron.

"We have one left. It's ten coins for a night, plus fourteen coins for your ale and pies. So, twenty four coins please."

I say and Geralt nods, opening a huge pouch of coins and pulling out twenty five coins.

"For your service."

He says, handing them to me. Nobody has ever given me a coin for my service. I smile and nod to him.

"Thank you. Have a good night."

I say and Geralt nods, beginning to walk away from the bar and toward the stairs.

"Thank you for your kind service, lady Y/N."

The Bard says, reaching for my hand over the bar and kissing the back of it. My cheeks flush pink.

"Thank you, Mr...?

I ask and he smiles.

"Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount De Lettenhove at your service."

He says and I stumble for words. God's, that's a mouthful.


Geralt calls from the stairway and I hold back a laugh. The Bard looks flustered.

"Or Jaskier."

He says, defeated as he makes his way over to Geralt. As before, he spares me one glance before disappearing up the stairs.


The next morning, I make my way down from my attic room and downstairs.

Upon entering the bar, I'm surprised to see Geralt sitting at a table, a tankard of ale in front of him and two coins on the bar for his drink.

"Good morning. I didn't expect you to be up this early."

I say and he watches as I retrieve a goblet of water.

"Witcher's aren't known for sleeping in. What's your excuse?"

He asks and I hold up a small baggy of herbs.

"Headaches. Since that night, my head hasn't been the same. The Healer gives me a bag of herbs every month to help."

I say, sprinkling the herbs into my water, where they quickly dissolve. I quickly down the water, the taste bitter on my tongue, causing me to scrunch my face up in detest.

"Headaches aren't severe enough to require monthly herbs. What aren't you telling me?"

He asks and I sigh, avoiding eye contact with him as I decide to tell him the truth.

"The Lord whom my Father sold me to, wasn't really a buyer. He had claimed The Law Of Surprise for saving my Father's life way back when. A week after we met, the Lord was killed. Since The Law Of Surprise went unclaimed-"

"You suffer the effects."

He finishes and I nod, standing with my goblet to wash it up.

"No Healer, Doctor, Mage or Sorceress can cure me. I suffer now because my Father suffered then."

I say, but, get no reply.

"Do you want something to eat? We have cereal or bread."

I ask and he finally looks up at me, his piercing eyes holding mine.

"Bread, please."

He says, shocking me. I nod and grab enough bread for us both before returning to him. He goes to pull some more coins out, but, I stop him, shaking my head.

"It's on me. Just don't tell the owner."

I say and he ponders for a few seconds before nodding. We sit in silence for a while before he speaks.

"I'll find you a cure, Y/N. It may take some time, but, I'll find it."

He says, shocking me again. I smile at him.

"Thank you, Geralt."

𝔊𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔩𝔱 𝔒𝔣 ℜ𝔦𝔳𝔦𝔞 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰 (ℌ𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔶 ℭ𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩) ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя